The Elusive Moderate Islam? Proof The Fairytale Doesn’t Exist…
Mike Shepherd - 2/19/2015 - DC GAZETTE
How many times must we hear about the things that insult Islam. Obama and Clinton all but justified the attacks on Benghazi because of a video that insulted Islam. The elusive moderate Muslim claims that ISIS is not true Islam.
We have yet to hear Muslim leaders speak out against the mass murder taking place against non Muslims. If ISIS were not true Islam shouldn’t true Islamist be offended by their acts. When are the Muslim leaders going to protest the rape and murder of children in the name of Allah.
They protest by the thousands when someone offends them with a cartoon, but are silent when forty five people are burned to death in a cage. If forty five Muslims had been burned for their beliefs every Muslim leader would have been protesting in the streets.
If ISIS were a misrepresentation of Islam you would think Islamic leaders would be offended. Wouldn’t that be considered an Insult to Islam.
Obama won’t call them Islamic terrorist because they are true Islam. They are following the instruction of the Quran and the Islamic leaders of this world know it.
If they were to speak out against ISIS they know ISIS would mark them for death. Anyone who doesn’t agree with their beliefs are to be butchered in the name of Allah. Some say the world doesn’t have an understanding of Islam and I am proud to say I am one of them.
The world will never understand how anyone can sell or buy a child for sex. We will never understand anyone who thinks it’s ok to chop anyone’s head off because of religious beliefs. We will never understand anyone who thinks it’s ok to beat your wife or own a slave.
Americans will never understand a president who speaks out about waterboarding, but silent when Christians are being burnt alive in a cage.
So when the elusive moderate Muslim starts speaking out about the savages of radical Islam, I might consider the possibility that moderate Islam exist. But for now ISIS is showing the world what true Islam is.
Call them moderate or extreme, but we are at war with those who hate you because you don’t believe as they do.
If you are non Muslim they want to chop your head off in the name of Allah. They think it’s ok to take your children for their sick desires for sex.
Obama has already said he stands with Islam should the political winds change. Well, that wind has changed so put him on a sail boat and allow that political wind to blow him out of here. God bless America and all that each of you love…
Semper Fi, Shep
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