He Did It – Obama Announces Creation Of Federal Domestic Police State Force, Progressively, So We Won’t Stop Him
Rick Wells - 3/3/2015 - UFP NEWS
The only reason Hussein Obama needed to make the announcement of his federal takeover of local law enforcement, the gradual diversion away from a mission of serving the people to one of serving him, was to hear himself talk and to, as he loves to do, lecture the peasants.
Anyone who has been paying attention already knows he is creating his own private domestic army of Obama loyalists, under his faithful servants in the “Justice Department.”
On Monday he described the takeover in familiar, ominous terms, saying, “We have a great opportunity, coming out of some great conflict and tragedy, to really transform how we think about community law enforcement relations.”
The determination of just how great this opportunity is depends solely upon one’s perspective. For the American people, the loss of local accountability and control of their community and state policing is the real great tragedy.
Open is presenting the culmination of his program of racial agitation-based drive for “racial justice” against the fabricated bigotry of white cops, all white people and all police in general.
He will now create a favored class of citizen, the minority criminal; included will be those he is now importing to replace the American citizens in his new communist “utopia.” In the Orwellian world that is the Hussein Obama dictatorship, criminals are victims. Crime-fighters and law-abiding citizens are criminals.
The creation of a system of financial rewards for compliance with federal dictates and punishing non-compliance, either through the withholding of grant money or with actual sanctions and litigation by the federal bureaucracy is taking place at this very moment. That is the true nature of the beast that Hussein Obama is creating.
His new personal Obama force will be the means of controlling dissent as his rule deprives the American people of our freedoms and our God-given rights are stripped from us.
He advanced the carrot portion of the equation by seeking to “expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded — to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.
That type of thing used to be considered bribery. Now it’s part of “best practices.” Best is whatever Obama says it is.
In announcing preferential status for non-white offenders, Obama said, “I think communities across the board are going to need to consider recommendations around prohibiting racial profiling, that’s a step that we’ve already taken at the federal level.”
Of course, the fact that racial profiling doesn’t exist does nothing to inhibit its use as a tool by this greatest of all frauds. It serves the purpose of creating an opening into the local law enforcement community into which his foot and his upward-turned nose can be inserted.
Big Brother has also announced that the feds will be keeping a database on all local departments. They “justify” it as a civil rights protection effort, but it is really a tool for the intimidation and coercion of local police forces into compliance. Obama needs to know which forces are resisting his communist aggression and police state implementation so that he knows which ones to target.
Obama warned the public of other, “controversial recommendations” such as the “need” for independent [federal] investigations and independent special prosecutors in situations which result in the death of a suspect. It’s the “don’t shoot, he’s black” rule, a strong message to law enforcement that only white people can be shot.
Special prosecutors aren’t warranted when the IRS targets people based upon their politics, but every officer involved shooting now necessitates one.
He used the fabricated Ferguson events as a means to squeeze the feds into control of public demonstrations and power over military-style hardware. Obama said, “There are some recommendations that deal with civilian oversight and how that might be managed.”
The perception he’s trying to create is that his feds will be exhibiting more restraint than the out of control local authorities. The opposite is true.
When the communists take over, Obama wants his personal army to have carte blanche over putting down rebellious citizens and the military equipment to do the job. This is not about restraining anybody other than the citizens whom he will surely be victimizing.
America’s dictator-in-the-making closed saying, “We need to seize [this] opportunity. And so this is something that I’m going to stay very focused on in the months to come. I’m going to be pushing my Justice Department and the COPS program and others to continue to work on it.”
Obama admitted in his first campaign that he saw a need to create a domestic police force loyal to him. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, all of Obama’s predecessors and role models had them. They are indispensible in solidifying illegitimate power and eliminating the opposition.
He instructed his minions in Pravda-USA to obediently report the information in keeping with the party line, saying, “I expect our friends in the media to really focus on what’s in this report and pay attention to it.”
The media should be paying attention. It is the foundation of a police state, a dictatorial power grab that goes beyond the realm of civil, non-violent objective rule of law and enters the subjective application of tyranny. It fosters a biased dispensation of a new misinterpretation of justice accompanied by a new definition.
Justice will soon have no meaning. It will simply become whatever Hussein Obama says it is.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit www.rickwells.us
Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/he-did-it-obama-announces-creation-of-federal-domestic-police-state-force-progressively-so-we-wont-stop-him/
My comments: Obama will use ANY MEANS to achieve his godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist, UTOPIA. This will require TOTAL CONTROL, which Mr. Wells has outlined an important part--Federal Control of Local Police.
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