'Rabbi Who Found Messiah' message arrives at mosques
To preach the Gospel in a mosque in the Middle East is to court death.
And it’s even more dangerous when the evangelist is an Israeli.
Yet Messianic Jew Zev Porat defied all of that recently to enter a mosque in the town of Akko, in Israel, to bring Jesus Christ to Muslims.
What’s more, he brought silence to the mosque by showing the gathered Muslims a book from an American Christian pastor, Carl Gallups’ “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah.”
Porat, founder of Messiah of Israel Ministries, felt called by the Holy Spirit to venture into new territory, but faced headwinds from the start. Upon entering, Porat was challenged by a Muslim named Ali who demanded to know what an “Israeli Jew” was doing there.
Porat was searched for weapons and tensions were high because of clashes between Israeli Defense Forces and Arab terrorists that very day.
One of the Muslims shouted, “There is fighting now at the borders and you are here to make problems?”
Porat said he knew he had only a few brief moments to defuse what was heading quickly in a bad direction.
He said only through the Messiah Yeshua could the Arabs and Jews live in peace as God intends.
“God loves the Arab people,” he said, “and so do I.”
The Muslims were mystified by his response but intrigued that an Israeli Jew had entered their mosque to profess his love for them. However, they could not believe he was sincere. They told Porat that he should not come to them because any Jew who believed in Yeshua as Messiah was rejected by his own people.
Porat replied that “The Jewish people are coming to faith in Yeshua like never before. We are in the Last Days. The time is very near.”
Porat then told the assembled Muslims about the Jewish spiritual leader Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died at the age of 108 in 2006 and left behind a letter after his death which revealed his discovery that Yeshua is the Messiah. The Muslims were utterly shocked with Ali claiming it was “impossible.” But Porat supported his claim with Gallups’ book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah.”
After Porat had told them about Rabbi Kaduri, Muslims who were so sure of their own faith only moments before were stunned into silence. Ali even asked to read the Bible, and Porat distributed five copies of Scripture within the building.
As Porat explained, “Once again the book ‘The Rabbi Who Found Messiah’ opened the door through the Holy Spirit to the true Written Word of God.”
Porat was able to exit the mosque peacefully, leaving behind Arabs who were forever changed by his actions.
Author and Pastor Carl Gallups says that he is not surprised. In an exclusive interview with WND, Gallups credited Porat with pioneering a new form of evangelism that is especially effective when conversing with Muslims.
“Zev approaches them first as a Jew who is holding out an olive branch of peace and love in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If he is able to gain entrance into their realm of attentiveness, he then shifts the conversation to Jesus as being the full revelation of the ultimate messiah of God.
“When they question how in the world a Jew has come to such a conclusion, he then begins to tell them of Yitzhak Kaduri, the most famous Jewish Rabbi in Israel’s modern history, who also taught that Jesus was the real and ultimate Messiah. It is usually at this point that the imam will ask for proof of this ‘preposterous’ claim. At which point Zev will produce the book ‘The Rabbi Who Found Messiah’ and show them the evidence. From there he leads them into the scriptures.”
Porat has met with incredible results in Islamic communities using the message of the “Rabbi Who Found Messiah.” As Gallups noted, “He even led one imam in China to Jesus as Messiah and Savior!”
However, Porat is not simply taking his message to Muslims. Using Gallups’ book, Porat has evangelized among the Orthodox Jewish community in Israel and has met with such success that it has been termed the “Kaduri Revival.”
Gallups comments, “Porat has led Orthodox Jews to Jesus Christ at the Western Wall, in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and other places. He has taken the gospel into 40 to 50 underground churches in China, under threat of discovery and punishment and continually looks for opportunities to minister the gospel of Jesus the Messiah to Muslims. His compassion and boldness knows no boundaries.”
Gallups, who is also author of “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” believes that the kinds of revivals and conversions occurring in the Middle East are an important sign of the End Times. Gallups calls Porat “truly an amazing last days servant of the Lord.”
The revolutionary findings of Rabbi Kaduri are highly controversial in Israel, with Kaduri’s own family claiming the late rabbi’s note was a forgery and others in Jewish circles dismissing him entirely. Gallups establishes the case for Kaduri’s legitimacy and the identification of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah in the book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” and the DVD of the same title.
However, as Christ’s first followers were Jewish, Porat and others like him are not the first Jews to find their Messiah in Yeshua. Among the most famous was the Apostle Paul, the self-proclaimed “Pharisee of the Pharisees” who eventually was one of the most important evangelists in Christian history.
Gallups believes a similar process is occurring today.
“I have said this many times in attempting to describe what is happening in Zev’s life, witness, and ministry – he truly is a modern day apostle Paul. The Lord has raised him up for such a time as this. I have no doubt in this matter.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/messianic-jew-defies-death-to-preach-to-muslims/#k0hMIXIw5EE3dutH.99
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