BREAKING: Sarah Palin Has a Surprising Plan for the States to Launch Against Obama
Monday, February 2nd, 2015
Sarah Palin has offered up a plan to stop the Obama juggernaut of destruction: a Convention of the States.
Under Article V of the Constitution, states can call for a Convention of States after passing legislation in their individual state stating what subject they would like to address.
Neither the president nor Congress has the power to stop a convention once it has a majority of 34 states support.
Also no other subjects can be debated nor amendments to the Constitution changed during the convention.
Three states, Alaska, Florida and Georgia have already passed resolutions calling for a convention to address restraining the federal government.
Now Sarah Palin is pushing for Americans to help get Virginia on board.
“Three states have already successfully passed legislation calling for a Convention of the States, and right now it’s Virginia’s turn,” wrote Palin on Facebook. “We need every patriot to step up and remind lawmakers in the Old Dominion why we support the Convention of States.”
“By calling a Convention of the States, average citizens can stop the federal spending spree, power grabs, and other abuses by proposing amendments to rein in the federal government,” continued Palin. “After the states draft, debate, and vote upon these proposed amendments, they will then be sent to all 50 states for the ratification, and three-quarters of the states must agree for any of the proposed amendments to be ratified.” (H/T
All Americans are encouraged to call their Senators and Congressperson to get a Convention of States rolling across the nation.
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