Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Now also we would not have you ignorant, brethren,
About those who fall asleep [in death],
That you may not grieve [for them],
As the rest do who have no hope [beyond the grave],

For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
Even so God will also bring with Him through Jesus
Those who have fallen asleep [in death].

For this we declare to you by the Lord's [Own] Word,
That we who are alive and remain until the COMING OF THE LORD,
Shall in no way precede [into His Presence]
Or have any advantage at all over those
Who have previously fallen asleep [in Him in death].

For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a loud cry of summons,
With the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the Trumpet of God.
And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first.

Then we, the still living who remain [on the earth],
Shall simultaneously be caught up along with (the resurrected dead)
In the air; and so always—through the Eternity of the Eternities--
We shall be with the Lord!

Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words.
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, AMP)

But as to the suitable times and the precise seasons and dates, Brethren, You have no necessity for anything being written to you.

For you yourselves know perfectly well
That The Day Of The Lord ['s return]
Will come UNEXPECTEDLY AND SUDDENLY] as a thief in the night.

When people are saying, ALL IS WELL AND SECURE,
And there is Peace and Safety,
Will come upon them as suddenly
As labor pains come upon a woman with child;
For there will be no ESCAPE.

But you are not [given up to the power of] DARKNESS, brethren,
For That Day to overtake you by surprise like a Thief.

For you are sons [and daughters] of Light
And sons [and daughters] of the Day;
We do not belong either to the Night or to DARKNESS.

Accordingly then, let us no sleep, AS THE REST DO,
[The Whole World is ignorant and asleep regarding the coming of the Lord,
As are many who claim the name of Christ.]
BUT LET US KEEP WIDE AWAKE (alert, watchful, cautious and on our guard)
And let us be sober (calm, collected and circumspect).

For those who sleep sleep at night,
And those who are drunk get drunk at night.

But we belong to The Day,
Therefore let us be sober,
And put on the Breastplate (corset) of Faith and Love
And for a Helmet the Hope of Salvation.

For God did not appoint us to [incur His] Wrath--
He did not select us to Condemn us--
But [that we might] obtain [His] Salvation
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Who died for us so that whether we are still alive or are dead
[At Christ's appearing]
We might live together with Him and share His LIFE.
(1 Thessalonians 5:1-10, AMP)

I do not believe that 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,
Speaks of the what is commonly called the Rapture.
I believe this is the Coming of the Lord at the End of The Great Tribulation.
Therefore, I do not believe that there is a Rapture as such.
I do believe that those who have been crucified with Christ
To this Wicked World, will be protected during the three and one-half years
Of The Great Tribulation.
I believe this is the Woman of Revelation 12.
I believe that this is what the Lord was speaking of when he said:

Since you have kept My Command to Endure Patiently,
I will also KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL [The Great Tribulation]
That is going to come upon the Whole World
To TEST those who live on the earth. (Revelation 3:10)

I believe that When the World is saying all is Well and Secure
And there is Peace and Safety,
Is when the Whole world has received the Beast, the son of Satan,
As their “god” and they are worshiping him.
At this time there is One World Government and One World Religion--
All the CONFLICT is gone in the WARPED minds of the Damned.
It is at this time God Almighty begins His Great Tribulation--
His Judgment on a World gone Mad—worshiping Satan and his son.

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in its present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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