Alligators and Demons
By Anna Darlene Edmondson
“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” (1 Peter 5:8 Amplified).
True story. So, I walk to the ponds’ edge this morning to feed our five ducks and an alligator lurked uncomfortably nearby (just under the water’s surface) waiting for a meal. My husband first spotted this creature last week and it seems to be about four feet long. I took immediate action and called the game commissioner. Sadly, they won’t come and take the gator away until he’s almost six feet long. And, it’s against the law to shoot them. Duh?
Needless to say, I’m going to take Peter’s advice and I paraphrase: Be vigilant and cautious at all times for that [gator] swims around seeking someone or something to eat! In all seriousness---you know, our enemy, the devil, is more powerful than this alligator.
“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” (1 Peter 5:8 Amplified).
True story. So, I walk to the ponds’ edge this morning to feed our five ducks and an alligator lurked uncomfortably nearby (just under the water’s surface) waiting for a meal. My husband first spotted this creature last week and it seems to be about four feet long. I took immediate action and called the game commissioner. Sadly, they won’t come and take the gator away until he’s almost six feet long. And, it’s against the law to shoot them. Duh?
Needless to say, I’m going to take Peter’s advice and I paraphrase: Be vigilant and cautious at all times for that [gator] swims around seeking someone or something to eat! In all seriousness---you know, our enemy, the devil, is more powerful than this alligator.
Let’s be reminded that our adversary can appear as an angel of light, studying and discovering our weaknesses. What we may not realize is that just when we are most vulnerable, He pounces. For instance, if our habit is overeating, he will take us down bite by bite. If pornography, he knows the right moment to put lustful thoughts into our minds.
Also, and especially when we are in the middle of doing something spiritual, the murderer gets a toehold. When we think we’re standing strong, that is the time when the old wormwood is about to strike. Therefore, we must take heed, for he will kill, steal, and destroy. The solution is God’s protective armor found in Ephesians 6:10-18.
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