MONTHLY NEWSLETTER – August 15, 2022
Jesus Christ, the Only Way Out
By David Wilkerson
In all our trials, we are to cling to the Savior.
When Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6, NKJV), he issued a powerful proclamation to his church. Tragically, we have not fully understood the power behind his words here. I believe if the church today truly grasped the simple statement that Jesus is the way, we would once and for all end our fleshly strivings to try to please the Lord and instead trust him for his promised favor.
When most of us face personal discouragement or sin, we end up sitting in a depressing fog of failure. We feel condemned with a black cloud hanging over our heads. I speak of believers who love Jesus passionately, whose one desire is to please him and do his perfect will. They have given him their whole heart, and the world has no meaning for them other than to fulfill his purposes. They can honestly say, “Live or die, I am the Lord’s.”
I believe the greatest pain that such a devoted lover of Christ can experience is a sense of having failed God. A tender heart toward Jesus becomes easily downcast if it experiences the slightest loss of radiant first love. There is grief whenever any lust or compromise creeps in. Such Christians know Jesus is the way out because he has delivered them many times before from prisons of lust, habits and sins of all descriptions. He has been their way into joy, rest and peace before.
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