Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.
A new study of government data during July in Israel for ages 20-79 concludes if you got the COVID jab, you had a higher chance of getting COVID than those who did not get the shots.
For example, 80% of people ages 40-49 were injected, yet they accounted for 83% of the COVID cases!
The Epoch Times reported that “the majority of people catching the virus (77 percent to 83 percent, depending on age) are already vaccinated, according to data collected by the Israeli government.”
Israel hoped to be an example to the world by having the highest “vaccination” rate and becoming the first nation to eliminate COVID.
Israel has become an example alright.
Israel is an example of a failed attempt to end COVID. Instead of ending COVID, Israel (as we warned months ago) has made COVID even worse.
A nurse in a COVID wing in America said, “Two-thirds of my patients are fully vaccinated.”
Yet, people are being fired, expelled, threatened with court martial and have died from these shots … and thousands are begging our team for help.
Meanwhile, at a South Dakota hospital, we have several confirmations that two nurses, ages 24 and 27, committed suicide because of pressure from the hospital to get the shots.
Instead of revoking this insane mandate, the hospital issued a communication reminding staff not to bully.
It is the hospital mandate and administrators that bullied these nurses to their graves!!!
We must help these desperate people.
We will not abandon them.
Help us serve these precious people with your gift today.
Health care workers are like warriors sent into enemy territory on a daily basis to battle with COVID.
For months, while many were locked down, they worked at the epicenter of these infections.
They pulled double shifts.
They worked 24 hours straight when co-workers got sick.
Then, like the great betrayal of Uriah by King David, they are being abandoned.
They are being publicly marked, identified with stickers and tags like the Jews in Germany, bullied and harassed, denied schooling and employment, and even escorted off the property.
These medical staff were used to generate money for the hospitals they served, and now they face termination, with some employers even trying to deny them unemployment benefits! This is despicable!
Their pleas for help and impending deadlines weigh on me and our staff.
We are helping many people obtain religious exemptions, but the pressure to help 15,000+ people is enormous.
I need your help in prayer and support. No one should be forced to take these shots. DOUBLE your gift with our Challenge Grant.
I lost a dear friend to these jabs, and I personally know of countless others.
The 13,627 reported deaths after these jabs are just the tip of the iceberg.
The needless suffering and human casualties are overwhelming!
One of the 623,341 reactions to this jab shared, “I was an active snowboarder, going to the mountain every single weekend,” but that was before the COVID shot.
Now, “I can no longer walk unassisted.
I am 35 years old, and I now have to use a walker, cannot speak properly, cannot pick up my 2-year-old son, can no longer drive and am terrified every day that I will completely lose use of my legs.
I don’t remember what my voice used to sound like, and for the first few weeks, my children were afraid to be close to me, hug me, sit with me or let me talk to them.
It is now August 5, 2021, and while my tremoring has gone down, I still cannot walk or stand without assistance.”
No one should be forced to take the shots and experience what this person is facing.
We should all agree that our freedom to work, shop, dine, travel, worship, pursue our dreams and serve our country must not depend on injecting an experimental shot into our body or carrying a vaccine passport!
There are key leaders that need to stand up and push back against mandatory jabs and vaccine passports.
Demand freedom through your urgent fax to key decision-makers now.
I am grateful for how people across America are helping equip our team for this critical moment.
Thank you,
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
K.R. - Washington. 2021. “Real Testimonials.” C19 VAX REACTIONS. August 11, 2021. C19vaxreactions.com/real-testimonials.html.
Margulis, Jennifer. 2021. Who’s Really Being Hospitalized? The Epoch Times.com. August 30, 2021. Theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/whos-really-being-hospitalized_3963392.html.
PROTEST FOR FREEDOM! 2021. Walk Out Wednesday: 12 noon your time zone. WalkoutWednesday.net
“Vaccine - Liberty Counsel Action.” 2021. Lcaction.org. Accessed August 16, 2021. Lcaction.org/vaccine.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854
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