Biblical prophecy has proven sure and accurate, and it is clear that the light will win this battle.
The nations will come to the light in the end.
This ultimate battle between good and evil is the result of all that has been sown into mankind coming to maturity.
We will witness the best and the worst of mankind.
Through this, all of creation will know for all time the consequences of choosing evil by turning from God.
Because of some poor Bible translations, the concept was wrongly spread that the end of this age was the end of the world.
This is not the case.
In fact, biblical prophecy is clear that the end of this age will be the beginning of the greatest period that mankind has yet experienced on the earth and leads to an even more wonderful future afterward.
Mankind has a brighter future than we can even imagine in this life.
No human philosophy or religion can compare to the hope given to mankind and the earth than what has been given to us by “the gospel of the kingdom.”
Gospel means “good news,” and there has never been greater news shared than that of the coming kingdom of God to earth.
As we examine the rising darkness we must give even more attention to the sure hope that has been given to us.
God’s coming kingdom will begin with a one-thousand year period in which there will be peace on earth and all of the evil consequences of human transgression will be erased from man and the earth.
This includes all human conflict, sickness, pain, and even death.
These will be abolished.
During this period, the original purity of mankind and the paradise the earth was created to be will be restored.
Biblical prophecy reveals that as the earth draws to the end of this age, all nations will be drawn together into two basic camps.
The first camp are those nations that seek God and try to align with His purposes.
The opposing camp is the alignment of the nations that are intent on man ruling over himself and the earth without any interference from God.
At the end of the age every nation will be in one of these camps.
Biblical prophecy has a record of accurately foretelling the unfolding of human history.
However, this was not given so that we could just marvel at the accuracy of prophecy, but so that we could put our faith in God’s unfolding plan.
We put our faith in it so that we can be a part of it.
In this prophecy we are coming to the time when all nations will be brought to “the Valley of Decision.”
Each one will have to choose which side they are on.
Our country is choosing now, too.
These prophecies are sometimes called “signs” because they are like sign posts on a road for those who seek to walk “the path of the righteous.”
That is the way that God has established for man.
The signs given to point to the end of this age have been unfolding with greater clarity now because we are getting closer.
Those who know “the signs of the times” are called to help prepare the way for the coming of The Lord and His kingdom.
We do this by building a highway for it (Isaiah 40:3-5):
A voice is calling, “Prepare the way for the Lord in the wilderness; make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.
“Let every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be brought low; let the rough ground become a plain, and the rugged terrain a broad valley.
“Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
This highway being built is God’s higher-way.
Its construction began immediately after the fall of man, and will continue until completed and the kingdom comes.
Nothing ever created by man can compare to it.
To walk on this highway is to be in continual awe of God and His plan for man and the earth.
To be a part of its construction is one of the greatest honors we can have in this life.
Many of the first settlers to America came seeking to build a nation that would honor and follow The Lord, and thereby be a part of this highway.
They laid a foundation for a nation that would follow and serve The Lord.
Though we have turned from this way, and that foundation seems to be near collapse, it will not.
It had to be tested, and though we are now very close to failing the test, it will stand in the end.
This is not because of our righteousness, but God was in this from the beginning, and He does not begin things He does not finish.
Biblical prophecy indicates that the biggest part of building this highway will be at the end of the age when the biggest battle between light and darkness is raging.
For this reason, we must learn to be like those in the times of Nehemiah—to work with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other.
As The Lord said when He spoke of the signs of the end of this age and the great times of trouble, the battle should not discourage us but cause us to look up because our redemption is near.
According to biblical prophecy most of the nations of the earth will be opposing God and those who follow Him with great and increasing rage at the end of the age.
We are told of a global confederation of nations that forms before God’s kingdom comes that will be a satanic counterfeit to it.
The leader of this final kingdom of men is called “the man of sin,” who is a personification of “the sin of man.”
We are very close to this now.
This final, nearly compete, global alignment of nations will claim to be the beginning of the utopia men have often tried to build for themselves since the Tower of Babel.
Instead it will become the most murderous and evil empire to ever oppress mankind until it is destroyed by The Lord.
This is why those who know Bible prophecy have been resolute in resisting any global initiative to align the nations under one global power.
This is a superficial overview of biblical prophecy, but we will dig down into more detail in later Briefs.
We will also go deeper into how the foundations of the American Republic were based on biblical principles to keep the nation aligned with God, which is why the globalist powers that oppose Him consider America their greatest enemy.
We are.
We in this country in this generation are, by destiny rather than choice, the watchmen on the walls of the world’s freedom.
We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of “peace on earth and goodwill toward men.”
That must always be our goal, for as was written long ago,
“Except the Lord keep the city the watchmen keep awake in vain.” —President John F. Kennedy (An excerpt from the speech he was to give the day he was assassinated.)
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© 2020 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.
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