God is in Control
Marlene Custer
For several years I worked for a mission organization.
Twice a week we gathered for meetings in an auditorium that had a world map as the backdrop behind the podium.
I was often mesmerized as I gazed at the continents making up our world.
The continents, though separated by the ocean appear to fit together like a puzzle.
I am not the first to notice this phenomena.
Over one hundred years ago Alfred Wegener set forth the idea that at one time our world’s land masses were a single, huge continent.
He gave it the name ‘Pangaea’ and became the chief proponent of Continental Drift.
The Earth, with all its wonders, is just a small part of an even bigger picture.
The size of our universe is mind boggling!
Scientists estimate that the diameter of the universe is 93 billion light-years.
One light-year is 5.88 trillion miles.
It is hard to comprehend!
What a comfort to know that our Creator God, in spite of His unimaginable creativeness, cares about each of us.
I can understand David’s wonder at declaring in Psalm 8,
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him...” Yet He loves us so much He sent his own Son to die and rise again to reconcile us to Himself. (John 3:16 NIV)
“Jesus, when I fret about how insignificant I feel, help me turn to your Word. Help me rest in the knowledge that you have put everything in its place and are in control! Thank you for loving me. Amen.”
Marlene is a retired teacher who desires to make Jesus known. Contact
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