The Poor in Spirit
Anna Darlene Edmondson
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 5:3 KJV)
Few things matter more than humility when it comes to being blessed by God.
Unashamedly, the 'poor in spirit' realize their inadequacy and dire need for a Savior.
Like a flower unfolding, the meek receive overflowing mercies and grace to help in their time of need.
"Let us come boldly to God's throne of grace for help in time of need" (Heb 4:16)
By replacing 'poor' with the word 'humble,' referenced in the Greek also, we get a fuller grasp of the text.
In detail, the Lord is teaching us to be humble in His presence.
If we are willfully proud, arrogant, self-righteous, self-satisfied, or seeking outside of God's will, He will recognize our insincerity and error and not answer our petitions.
"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6)
The willfully proud are those who boast of their goodness and abilities, and by doing so, rely on themselves and reject God's saving grace like the Pharisee's.
In contrast, the 'poor in spirit' seen in the Biblical text also, always followed Jesus, looking solely to the Lord for justice, mercy, and deliverance.
The gospel message is our prime example of how God opposes the proud and gives His saving grace to those who humble themselves.
The first blessing is the blessing that comes upon those who recognize their spiritual bankruptcy and turn to God for help.
Matthew also presents the Sermon on the Mount, one of the best-known teachings of Christ.
Jesus' purpose of the Beatitudes is to show us several virtues that characterize those who are ready to be blessed and hungry for the Kingdom—humbling ourselves and giving God control is primary.
Blessed means the deep joy and exhilaration generated in the humble when they experience His divine favor.
Dear Lord, forgive our haughty attitudes, give us the wisdom and guidance to further humble ourselves after salvation so we may be blessed and a blessing, as we glorify your Name above all else. Amen
Contact Darlene and read more HERE.
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