Docile pastors placed the church under government control
Exclusive: Mychal Massie dubs face masks 'the golden prophylactic' to protect people from a lie
If I were asked the question: "Have the American people as an aggregate become weak, mindless and malleable?" I would say it depends upon the definition for same being employed by the questioner. However, if the questioner asked: "Have the American people become controllable?" I would respond, "Go stand near the door of your local Walmart, Target store, Starbucks or your favorite grocery store."
The imagery one observes of panic-driven people garbed in apparatuses believed to be the golden prophylactic to protect them from a lie is excruciatingly painful.
The reality is that the facial placebos people won't leave home without are less safe than a fire extinguisher that doesn't work.
I'm sure that by now I've sent the "we have to do exactly what the government tells us to do because it's for our safety" crowd into anaphylactic shock caused by a severe allergic reaction to common sense.
I submit we're witnessing mass behavioral modification dreamt up and manufactured by wraith-like lucifarian industrialists for personal monetary gain, which transmogrified into a feasibility study for population control, observed if not choreographed by Fabian Democratic Socialists.
I'm reminded of a quote by the Spock character in the television series "Star Trek." Science officer Spock observed:
"Evil seeks to maintain power by suppressing the truth or by misleading the innocent." ("Star Trek," 1968 episode entitled, "The Children Shall Lead Them.")
I submit that in addition to suppressing the truth, evil seeks to main power by seducing the gullible and misleading the foolish. (see Genesis 3:1-24 KJV)
Without followers evil cannot spread, thus evil hides in plain sight as it awaits a catalyst to unleash its spread.
And that which evil cannot control it destroys sooner rather than later.
That's exactly what has happened in the past 15-18 weeks.
The church has always been a threat to evil in whatever form it presented itself.
But over the last several hundred years, the church has taken on more of the godless behaviors through the bastardization, i.e., the delegitimizing of those who dare speak truth.
Common sense should have prevailed the very moment the sock puppets of the globalist elites took center stage and demanded the expunging of our God-given rights and our most crucial constitutional freedoms.
But the church just went along.
All that was left was for banana republic neo-Leninist governors, who will most certainly burn in hell unless they repent and confess their evil machinations, to subjugate by edict.
The castration of the American spirit was eagerly embraced by the thoughtless, as needful for protection.
Enter the clown car that transported followers the evil needed in order to spread.
The rapidity with which mindless obedience metastasized is horrifyingly surreal.
Hitler and all like him employed the successful tactic of having people spy/betray their family, their neighbors, their workmates, ad nauseam.
Liberal governors and municipalities established free apps for people to report the actions of their neighbors.
Godless reprobates mandated closure of all houses of worship while holding the citizenry of their state prisoner.
Yet, they boasted of keeping the industrialized baby-killing centers open because it was essential women continue paying strangers to murder their children as an essential part of women's health.
Common sense dictates that the government quashing of open religious worship by the unparalleled dictatorial edits of governors placed the church under government control.
It was stunning to watch so-called Christian pastors surrender the reins of their pastorship to Erebusic baby-killers and the mentally disturbed.
Specific to said point:
Richard Levine was a mediocre pediatrician who has zero epidemiological experience.
He is a married man with children, who got out of bed one morning and decided that he wanted to be known as Rachel.
He "selfishly" destroyed the lives of his wife and children through a grotesque display of sexual perversion that reasonable minds would rightly identify as mental illness.
Levine was the man dressed in woman's clothing wearing a spectacularly horrific wig, standing beside the tinplate Pennsylvania dictator Gov. Wolf as he accused Pennsylvanians of "being selfish" if they didn't obey his edicts.
Does anyone not see the irony that a pretend baby doctor with an Ivy League degree who supposedly focused on the connection between mental and physical health told the 13 million Pennsylvanians that churches weren't essential, sentencing the people to a statewide house arrest program?
I'm not going to rehash the things that I've been saying for months in other commentaries I've written.
I cannot emphasize my moral indignation strongly enough, for the public surrender and specifically the so-called church pastors – who contrary to every biblical precedent, shook hands with Satan – believing that by following the edicts of godless neo-Leninists and abandoning the principles of Christ they would be safe.
Gullible people opened wide, swallowing the lie that wearing a prophylactic placebo on their faces, surrendering their rights and abandoning God was the key to personal safety.
The only thing more disgusting are sheeple who defend being controlled by those who are chief among the most reprobate children of Satan.
I have not and will not comply with anything these people say unless and until they can show me where in the Word of God the Holy Spirit inspired the writers of Scripture to say Daniel et al. were wrong.
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