Science, fiction and self-evident truth
Exclusive: Scott Lively on how rationality of biblical worldview counters LGBTism
The big news of the week on the LGBT front is the release of a major scientific study that confirms there is no "gay gene."
While this is a positive development, it has very little impact on my ministry.
Those who have followed my work may have noted that I rarely cite studies or statistics, instead grounding nearly all my arguments in self-evident truth and deductive reasoning, often backed by personal observation.
I frankly don't trust the "soft-sciences," nor their "scientists" who, since the late 1960s and early '70s have all-but monopolized both academia and key professional associations such as the APA.
(God bless those few heroes who fight for truth behind those enemy lines.) Just as advocacy "journalism" has almost completely replaced honest news reporting in mass media, the "sciences" have also been hijacked by Cultural Marxists whose purpose is to indoctrinate the public in leftist narratives and suppress contradictory evidence.
Mockery of contrary views – and punishment of incorrigible dissenters
– has replaced true debate on every topic related to the Marxist worldview and agenda, from creationism to climate change, to reparative therapy for homosexuals.
One of the most important articles of the culture war was Dr. Jeffrey Satinover's
This article ranks very high in my personal list of recommended "must-reads" for understanding how the corrupt LGBT agenda supplanted ethics-based traditional values in America.
Dr. Satinover details the deliberate and brazen substitution of fake science for empirical truth by the mental health associations over several decades to normalize homosexuality and promote the "born that way" lie.
The "scientists" abandoned true science for a form of politically motivated "science fiction" that they all pretended was true, in conspiracy with the media and other cultural gatekeepers.
As you read Dr. Satinover's article, consider the enormity of that conspiracy: the lock-step coordination required to sustain that level of deception of the public regarding underlying facts and processes that were so blatantly dishonest and manipulative.
For me, that realization brought to mind the other form of science fiction – the fun and entertaining variety – specifically the classic science fiction film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" from the "Red Scare" era of 1950s Hollywood.
Ironically, today's real-life culture-wide, cross-discipline conspiracy of Marxists to overthrow Judeo-Christian civilization essentially vindicates the film's portrayal of them as an invasive species of highly aggressive mind-enslaving parasites with the exponential growth pattern of a contagious disease.
Hollywood's fascination with "Zombie" movies and TV shows over the past decade is a (likely subconscious) reiteration of a similar political/spiritual theme.
But the more accurate metaphor remains the Body Snatchers, because once a person is converted from a normal human being capable of recognizing self-evident truth, into a Social Justice Warrior driven solely by Marxist narratives, that individual joins the Marxist collective
– that highly integrated three-dimensional network of change agents that encompasses the full constellation of our social, cultural and political institutions
– including now a growing segment of the "Christian" church.
Marxism thus operates like another phenomenon we learned from science fiction: the hive mind.
We can infer that the Body Snatchers were apparently a hive mind, but fellow science fiction afficionados will likely agree that "The Borg" of "Start Trek: Next Generation" better depicts the inner workings of a hive mind.
I invoked The Borg and compared it point by point with the LGBT movement in a 2015 article titled "Indiana Meets the Borg," exhorting (unsuccessfully) then-Gov. Mike Pence not to cave to "gay" bullies when he incurred their wrath for signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
"'Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.'
That was the message of the Borg to Capt. Jon-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise.
… The Borg was a conglomerate of species forcibly transformed into cybernetic drones controlled by a hive mind called the Collective.
The Borg grew ever stronger by appropriating and exploiting the assets of whatever new species it encountered as it roamed the universe in pursuit of its insatiable lust for power over the lives of others.
Both individual and corporate victims of the Borg were assimilated into the Collective, losing their identity to the hive mind."
Then there's the book and film "1984," George Orwell's warning-in-fictional-form about the dystopian future of the socialist state he observed firsthand as a true believer before recoiling in disgust and fear.
"1984" emphasizes different elements of Marxism:
the totalitarian police state and reinvention of language to enforce compliance with political correctness (foreshadowing the "misgendering" laws emerging today).
Isn't it amazing how closely the entertaining fantasies of the Sci-Fi genre so perfectly track the disturbing reality of Cultural Marxism?
In contrast is the absolute rationality of the Judeo-Christian worldview (in it's pure form untainted by Phariseeism), grounded in such simple presuppositions of the Bible as the rule of law both in the material creation and the moral and social order of civilization.
That liberating rationality is self-evident to anyone who rejects preset narratives and just observes reality objectively, even history's most important "secularists" like Aristotle, the inventor of the "scientific method."
From his philosophical premise that all things have a purpose that can be discerned by their design and function (teleology),
Aristotle laid the foundation for all true science as it exists today.
It was my friend and teacher the late, great Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, founder of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality or NARTH (whose works were recently banned by Amazon),
who introduced me to this fact and to the beautifully succinct truth Joseph often cited in his work:
"Normalcy is that which functions according to its design" (Dr. Charles King, 1945, "The Meaning of Normal." Yale J. of Biology and Medicine, 18, 493-501).
The Apostle Paul offered what amounts to a practical analysis of that general principle in the first two chapters of his letter to the Romans, stating in Romans 2:14-15:
"For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts."
And the Founding Fathers of this great nation rested their Declaration of Independence on that very Bible-based Natural Law foundation,
declaring "self-evident truth" alone to be justification even for war to "assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them."
So when the so-called "scientific community" finally deigns to admit after a half-century of suppression of counter-evidence
– after our society, culture and law have been completely overturned by the LGBT juggernaut
– that "innate and unchangeable homosexuality" is not supported by a "gay gene" in human DNA, I personally am not impressed.
For me, this is simply a teachable moment about self-evident truth, and why it, and not studies and statistics, should be the rock on which we stand.
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