Doctors will be amazed. Churches will be revolutionized.
We will see the dead raised and the miraculous multiplication of food. Millions will experience wonder.
Yet, sadly, it is not all good news.
Here are the three reasons why miracles are coming that I was given by the Holy Spirit:
1. It is time: because the Bible has been rejected. Outpourings of the Holy Spirit and clusters of miracles occur like weather patterns. Jesus said,
“When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:2, 3)
The Bible, which was a guiding force throughout our history, has been dismissed by many as being a mere collection of myths. It has never been this bad before. Never have we seen such a wholesale rejection of the Word of God as we do today. Psalm 119:126 says,
“It is time for You to act O God, for they have nullified Your Word.”
We are now a nation without the Bible. It has been evicted from our halls of government, schools, and even our churches—which is why it is time for God to act…and He will!
It was my honor to be on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth. I felt I made a wonderful new friend. During the broadcast, he said that America and the world would see a mighty outpouring of Glory resulting in the greater works that Jesus mentioned in John 12.
America is now the foreign mission field and therefore the Holy Spirit will soon begin to work to confirm the Word, with signs following. The miracles, healings, and supernatural signs that have been a regular part of Christian outreach in Africa, Asia, and Latin America will now appear in North America. Resurrections, multiplication of food, angelic visitations, visions, dreams, and prophecy will be reported.
Already, the power and glory that we believe is coming is coming in increased manifestations in our tent, bringing crowds of lost souls that would never enter a church.
2. It is time: because “judgment must begin at house of God.” (see 1 Peter 4:17) When these miracles come, it will not be an endorsement of the current church. In fact, I believe that God is displeased with the overwhelming majority of ‘Churchianity’ in America.
The signs and wonders that are coming will bring judgment. They will divide churches. They will expose sin. They will even bring death. Remember, Ananias and Sapphira were killed by the Holy Spirit not simply for stealing money and lying about it, but for doing it in a time of miracles.
The double lives of carnal pastors will come to light. The message of “greasy grace” that has believers committing every sexual sin there is, as well as getting drunk, will be plowed under by the true fire of God. Evangelists who operate in false gifts by the power of familiar spirits will be exposed as fakes in front of their audiences.
Judgment indeed will begin at the house of God, but it will not end there. Watch for public officials, celebrities, and anti-God voices to be suddenly removed.
3. It is time: because America is on the brink of destruction.
Democrats are demonstrating breathtaking stupidity by betraying Israel. Israel, to its eternal credit, has rejected the stupidity of the White House, and placed its fate into the hands of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jesus.
Donald Trump said, “House Democrats want to take action against Israel because it is fighting back against two (maybe four) people that have said unthinkably bad things about it & the Israeli people.
Dems have such disdain for Israel! What happened? AOC Plus 4 is the new face of the Democrat Party!”
Fresno is a sign of the veil being lifted off of the public. The Central Valley now sees how Sacramento victimized them. Here is a picture of the overflow crowd in Fresno who saw mighty signs and wonders.
There is no doubt that America has crossed a line in the sand.
The Leftist movement is guilty of the most blatant animosity toward the things of God that we have seen in American history.
Secular Progressives are literally shaking their fist at God and daring Him to intervene. If God does not act now there will be no America. But there will be a World War Three.
Yet, there is a radical, remnant core, who have not bowed their knee to Baal.
There is a growing army who have discarded dead religion, repented of a prayer-less life, and who will obey the voice of God.
They are the rightful heirs of a new anointing that will shatter the darkness.
They will flow in true gifts of power and speak only the counsel of God!
I believe that these miracles, signs and wonders will be upon us very soon.
But never forget that this is sobering news, and that God is giving America one more chance.
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