What Is “Ballot Harvesting” And How Did Dems Use It To Flip SEVEN U.S. House Seats In CA?
California, the mostly blue, ultra liberal state, actually has a few republican strongholds left. Orange County WAS one of those strongholds, until this last election when thousands of democrat votes came in days after voting closed.
What are Republicans making of this unusual, obviously fraudulent midterm election where huge amounts of democrat votes came in after the election to effectively flip several red seats to blue?
How are we going to guarantee that we’ll never see this type of crooked outcome again?
Incumbent congressman David Valadao was a shoo-in for the 21st District of California. His race was considered non competitive and Associated Press named him the winner on election night because of his 4,000 + vote lead on Democrat TJ Cox.
Imagine his surprise when late ballots, mostly from vote-by-mail ballots that were postmarked by election day, started flowing in, chipping away at Valadao’s lead.
This is the same trend that went on all over the state of California, effectively flipping SEVEN House seats this year! The Democratic Party flipped 43 seats and lost three of their own.
The Daily Caller reports:
As the polls closed on election day last month, six California Republican House candidates, including Representatives Dana Rohrabacher, Steve Knight, and Mimi Walters, were ahead in their respective races. However, as the absentee and provisional ballots rolled in over the intervening weeks, all six lost to their Democratic opponents.
Korean-American GOP candidate Young Kim is the most outrageous example of this fraud that is going on. On election night, Kim held an 8,000 vote lead over her Democratic opponent Gil Cisneros.
As she prepared for her win and even attended her freshman orientation in Washington, D.C., her huge lead slowly disappeared along with her victory.
“California just defies logic to me,” said Ryan at a Washington Post live event. “We were only down 26 seats the night of the election, and three weeks later, we lost basically every California contested race. This election system they have — I can’t begin to understand what ‘ballot harvesting’ is.”
This unfair turnaround may have several factors to it but a major part of this is their practice of “ballot harvesting.” Under the radar, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago.
Previously, only family members and household members were aloud to drop off mail ballots for a voter. This new law allows anyone, even paid campaign workers, to collect and turn in these ballots. This is what they call “harvesting.”
San Fransisco Chronicle reports: In Orange County alone, where every House seat went Democratic, “the number of Election Day vote-by-mail dropoffs was unprecedented — over 250,000.”
Watch this democrat operative caught on a homeowners security camera going door to door offering to take their ballots. The woman says that it’s a “new service” for people who are “supporting the democratic party.”
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