Polls finds 1 in 6 say 'journalists' helping unite
A majority of voters in a new poll say President Trump is doing more to divide the country than unite it.
But the same respondents say the media is even worse, with only one in six saying the reporting is helping unite the country.
The results come from a Politico-Morning Consult poll, which asked, “Generally, would you say President Trump has done more to unite or divide the country since he took office?”
Thirty percent said unite and 13 percent had no opinion. Fifty-six percent said divide.
But the same question, regarding the media since President Trump took office, showed 17 percent of voters believe the media are uniting the country. Sixty-four percent said media are doing more to divide.
Politico said the results come after a “fractious, violent week.”
“Majorities of Democrats (88 percent) and independents (54 percent) said Trump has done more to divide the U.S., while 55 percent of Republicans said Trump has done more to unite the country instead,” the report said.
“But few voters in either party – 28 percent of Democrats, 9 percent of Republicans and 14 percent of independents – said the national news media have done more to unite the country.”
The poll was conducted Oct. 25-30 and had a 2 percent margin of error.
“Voters across the political spectrum agree that political violence is widespread, but have different viewpoints on who’s responsible for the growing wave of unrest,” said Tyler Sinclair, Morning Consult’s vice president.
“Notably, 58 percent of voters say political violence is widespread – including 63 percent of Democrats and 55 percent of Republicans. However, while 77 percent of Democrats say President Trump and the GOP are responsible for political violence, just 14 percent of Republican voters say the same.”
The poll found 36 percent of voters blame Trump for political violence, 31 percent blame congressional Democrats and 9 percent congressional Republicans.
Other polls show voters believe the top issues in the election are the economy and national security, which they say Republicans handle better, and health care, which they believe Democrats handle better.
After eight years of Obamacare, 52 percent say passing a health care reform bill is a top priority, while reforming Medicare and Social Security also is important. They say the budget deficit also must be addressed.
Fifty-six percent say political violence is a very serious issue, while political rhetoric is serious to 49 percent of the respondents.
Thirty-eight percent believe Democrats will take control of the U.S. House in the 2018 election, while 39 percent predict the GOP will keep control. Seventy-four percent of Republicans and 75 percent of Democrats say they are very or somewhat motivated to vote.
Also, 70 percent of conservatives are very or somewhat motivated, while 68 percent of liberals are. For Trump voters it was 73 percent, for Hillary Clinton voters 57 percent.
President Trump is given an “unfavorable” assessment 53 percent to 42 percent by voters. But Chuck Schumer was upside down 39-24 and Nancy Pelosi 52-26
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2018/11/voters-trump-dividing-country-but-media-worse/#7MzG13s80TcYyDYh.99
My comments: The Nation is Irrevocably Divided, and this Division is a Religious Divide. It boils down to a divide between Christianity and godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism. These two can never be Reconciled. The only thing that ever United America was the Honoring of God and His Word. Today, the LEFT is in Overt Rebellion against God and His Word. The Founders told us that our Republic, and its Constitution, could only be maintained by a Christian people. We are witnessing the reality that it cannot be maintained by a godless people. In fact the LEFT does not want to maintain it. The Constitution does not accommodate their godless Religion--Abortion, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Globalism and on and on. Christians know that it is God Almighty Who will determine the Future of America, and He will not give a Future to a people in Overt Rebellion against Him.
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