The paradigm drift of the postmodern church
By A.J. Castellitto
History continues to repeat as theological accuracy is increasingly sacrificed at the alter of humanism.
However, the attacks against Christianity are not a recent phenomenon. Over a century ago, a hard philosophical shift was the catalyst for a dramatic schism within the Presbyterian church.
August 5, 2018
History continues to repeat as theological accuracy is increasingly sacrificed at the alter of humanism.
However, the attacks against Christianity are not a recent phenomenon. Over a century ago, a hard philosophical shift was the catalyst for a dramatic schism within the Presbyterian church.
A document known as the Auburn Affirmation, which circumvented and undermined both the general assembly and the Westminster Confession, called into question the bold claims of Christ.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, a professor at Auburn Seminary, was the primary author of the Auburn Affirmation. The liberal Fosdick was infamously known for his 1922 sermon titled, "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?"
In defense of the direct challenge to biblical orthodoxy and doctrinal purity espoused by the Auburn Affirmation, J. Gresham Machen astutely noted
"The Affirmation does indeed employ Christian terminology; and, deceived by this terminology, there are no doubt Christian men among the signers. But the document itself is radically hostile to the Christian faith. It is directed against the creedal character of the Presbyterian Church and against the entire factual basis of Christianity."
The Affirmation recklessly brought into question the inerrancy of the scriptures, the virgin birth, the deity of Jesus, his substitutionary atonement, his bodily resurrection, and the authenticity of Christ's miracles. In doing so, the affirmation essentially removed the defining and foundational elements of the Christian faith.
In the end, the fundamentalists did not win, and as a result, the Presbyterian Church (USA) fell into apostasy... where it remains to this very day.
* In light of much theological confusion in our day, this is a vital read:
Same Sex Attraction, Temptation, and Jesus by Todd Pruitt jesus#.W2W3cJ8pA0N
© A.J. Castellitto
Harry Emerson Fosdick, a professor at Auburn Seminary, was the primary author of the Auburn Affirmation. The liberal Fosdick was infamously known for his 1922 sermon titled, "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?"
In defense of the direct challenge to biblical orthodoxy and doctrinal purity espoused by the Auburn Affirmation, J. Gresham Machen astutely noted
"The Affirmation does indeed employ Christian terminology; and, deceived by this terminology, there are no doubt Christian men among the signers. But the document itself is radically hostile to the Christian faith. It is directed against the creedal character of the Presbyterian Church and against the entire factual basis of Christianity."
The Affirmation recklessly brought into question the inerrancy of the scriptures, the virgin birth, the deity of Jesus, his substitutionary atonement, his bodily resurrection, and the authenticity of Christ's miracles. In doing so, the affirmation essentially removed the defining and foundational elements of the Christian faith.
In the end, the fundamentalists did not win, and as a result, the Presbyterian Church (USA) fell into apostasy... where it remains to this very day.
* In light of much theological confusion in our day, this is a vital read:
Same Sex Attraction, Temptation, and Jesus by Todd Pruitt jesus#.W2W3cJ8pA0N
© A.J. Castellitto
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