Jesus spoke to them
again in parables, saying:
2 'The Kingdom of
Heaven is like a king
prepared a Wedding Banquet for his Son.
3 He sent his
servants to those who had been invited to the Banquet
To tell them to
come, but they refused to come.
4 Then he sent some
more servants and said,
'Tell those who have
been invited
That I have prepared
my Dinner:
My oxen and fattened
cattle have been butchered,
And everything is
Come to the Wedding
5 But they paid no
attention a
And went off—one
to his field, another to his business.
6 The rest seized
his servants, mistreated them and killed them.
7 The king was
He sent his army and
destroyed those murderers
And burned their
8 Then he said to
his servants,
'The Wedding Banquet
is ready
But those I invited
did not deserve to come.
9 Go to the street
And invite to the
banquet anyone you find.'
10 So the servants
went out into the streets
And gathered all the
people they could find,
Both good and bad,
And the Wedding Hall
was filled with quests.
11 But when the king
came into see the guests,
He noticed a man
there who was not wearing Wedding Clothes.
12 'Friend,' he
'How did you get in
here without Wedding Clothes?'
The man was
13 Then the king
told the attendants,
'Tie him hand and
foot, and throw him outside, into the Darkness,
Where there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.
For many are invited, but few are chosen.'
God the Father
has been inviting people to the Wedding of His Son
From the beginning of
In the Old Testament,
The people doing the
inviting were the prophets of old.
The people invited were
the people of God,
But most of them
refused to come.
The people of God
mistreated and killed many of the prophets
That God sent to invite
John the Baptist came
The people of God to
the Wedding Banquet,
And many came to him in
the desert confessing their sins
Being baptized;
cleansing themselves.
The ones who refused
the invitation
Were the Religious
Leaders of Israel.
John the Baptist was
killed for standing for God.
Christ Jesus came
The people of God to
His Wedding Banquet.
A few of the people of
Received the invitation
and received Christ.
However, the Religious
Leaders did not receive their invitation;
They were jealous of
Christ Jesus
And were responsible
for His death.
Because of their
treatment of the Son of God;
Because they did not
To the day of their
visitation, their invitation;
Their religious rites
were taken from them,
Their temple destroyed,
And they were dispersed
to the Nations until 1948.
Because the people of
Refused the invitation
to the Wedding Banquet
God sent evangelists to
the Gentiles;
He sent them to the
street corners,
To people good and bad.
Because His Wedding
Banquet Hall will be filled.
Today, the
Father continues to invite the people of God
And whosoever will
come, to the Wedding Banquet.
However, there will be
those to busy to come,
Too involved with the
things of this World.
There will be those who
resent those
Who invite them to come
And they will mistreat
and kill them.
Nevertheless, the
Wedding Banquet will take place,
And everyone who has a
heart for God
And His Son will be
They will have
purchased Wedding Clothes.
They will be Clothed in
the Righteousness of Christ.
No one will be allowed
into the Wedding Banquet
Without Wedding
In The Time of the END,
just as in all preceding times,
Many will have been
called, but Few will be chosen.
All who refuse to come
to the Wedding Banquet
Will be thrown into the
Where there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth--
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