Our Living Hope
by Sandra Fischer
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead – 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
I am in an online support group of people who have a family member with a terminal disease. Some of the posts I read are filled with feelings ranging from anger to grief to despair. I find myself identifying with them, crying out to God at the thought of losing someone so dear.
This week I thought about how another support group may have experienced those same feelings on the day we call “Good Friday.” What seemed to be the end of all hope occurred at a place called Calvary, by the death of Jesus, on a cross between two thieves.
Then, I read other posts from the support group—expressions filled with gratitude, faith, and hope. And I think of another day long ago when such feelings were demonstrated on that first Easter.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead – 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
I am in an online support group of people who have a family member with a terminal disease. Some of the posts I read are filled with feelings ranging from anger to grief to despair. I find myself identifying with them, crying out to God at the thought of losing someone so dear.
This week I thought about how another support group may have experienced those same feelings on the day we call “Good Friday.” What seemed to be the end of all hope occurred at a place called Calvary, by the death of Jesus, on a cross between two thieves.
Then, I read other posts from the support group—expressions filled with gratitude, faith, and hope. And I think of another day long ago when such feelings were demonstrated on that first Easter.
Christ had risen victorious over death, fulfilling the promise that through Him, we can have eternal life as well! I take heart in the promise.
I ponder the fact that all of us are on the same journey toward leaving this life; death is the reality.
I ponder the fact that all of us are on the same journey toward leaving this life; death is the reality.
But, for us who follow Christ, it is not the end—it’s not Friday anymore—it’s the Easter of our lives, our Resurrection Day.
As we await, we hang between two thieves, regrets of the past and fears of tomorrow. We have no control over either.
Today—this moment—we can choose to be thankful for what we have—the constant love and presence of God, our living hope, to help, guide and strengthen us in our journey.
Sandra is a Faithwriters Platinum member and author of the book, “Seasons in the Garden.” Contact
Sandra is a Faithwriters Platinum member and author of the book, “Seasons in the Garden.” Contact
Image from https://akiane.com/.
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