Rev. Graham: No Political Program Can Cancel 'Violence,' the 'Devastating Consequences of Sin'

Rev. Franklin Graham. (YouTube)
In a commentary about how following a Biblical worldview is the only rational and practical way to live in this world, Rev. Franklin Graham explained that the "secular worldview dismisses God as irrelevant" and seeks to counter the inevitable consequences of sin with government programs that always fall short and are "doomed to fail."
"No amount of higher education, no enlightened political agenda or social program can cencel or remove the devastating consequences of sin," said Rev. Graham in his March 2018 commentary in Decision magazine.
Also, "[a]ny attempt to create a utopian society, to permanently solve global problems, is doomed to fail." Living Christ's teachings, as given to us in the Bible, is "the only worldview that sees clearly, rightly, and rejoices the heart for eternity," said Graham.
In the commentary, Rev. Graham mentioned the Jan. 23 school shooting in Kentucky, in which two people were killed and 18 injured. The governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, who has a Biblical worldview, was quick to note that the shootings ultimately reflected a "cultural problem" with "root causes."

As Gov. Bevin said, "we can't celebrate death in video games, celebrate death in TV shows celebrate death in movies, celebrate death in musical lyrics and remove any sense of morality and sense of higher authority and then expect that things like this are not going to happen. Our culture is crumbling from within.”
The governor also encouraged Christians to walk the streets of Louisville in groups and pray for peace there.
The liberal media and institutions laughed at Gov. Bevin, said Rev. Graham, because they think prayer has no value.
But an "individual with a Biblical worldview looks at the world and sifts all information through the lens of God’s Word," said the reverend, son of the world-renowned pastor, Billy Graham (1918-2018). "Scripture informs his thinking and behavior, guiding his intellect and moral determinations. The Bible is the bedrock that undergirds his entire life."

Screenshot of an open Bible. (YouTube)
The reverend dismissed Darwinists, stating, "The evolutionist is always searching for how to describe the origin and development of life in purely quasi-scientific or materialistic terms. He completely dismisses any notion of a Creator God, and thus is forced to come to ridiculous and preposterous assumptions, unsubstantiated by proof."
"The secular worldview dismisses God as irrelevant in the affairs of men and government, and views critical moral issues as independent of God’s moral character and principles," said Graham. "Clear definitions of right and wrong are impossible to determine, having been replaced by cultural whims and situational ethics." ("What is truth?" Pilate asked of Christ.)
The Biblical worldview, on the other hand, is "the only way to see all of life accurately," through the "lens of Scripture," said Graham.
"The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it," explained Graham. "It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires and governments. He is to be worshipped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word."

Satan and another demon as depicted in the movie "The Passion of the Christ." (YouTube)
"He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life," said the reverend.
"The Biblical worldview also asserts the existence and reality of sin and evil," he said. “'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Romans 3:23). War, disease, violence, injustice and the myriad of problems that beset the world are the result of man’s rebellion against God."
"No amount of higher education, no enlightened political agenda or social program can cancel or remove the devastating consequences of sin," said Graham.

An artist's depiction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Public domain.)
He continued, "The Biblical perspective also recognizes the active opposition of a personal adversary, the Devil, who is constantly on the prowl to tempt and destroy. The Devil aggressively opposes God and His people, wreaking havoc in virtually every arena. A deceiver, a liar and a murderer, he seizes every opportunity to carry out his diabolical schemes."
Franklin Graham, 65, is married and has four children. He oversees the international relief group Samaritan's Purse and is the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Rev. Graham also frequently comments on current events on television, radio, social media, and in the newspapers.
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