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FRIEND, Recently I emailed you about the cruel words that Joy Behar of ABC News’s “The View” used to denigrate Christians and the Christian faith--calling those who believe in Jesus Christ “mentally ill.” Since then, Behar has received no reprimands from her employer. She hasn’t been suspended, fired, or even asked to apologize. She’s barely received any bad press, as the mainstream media refused to give this story any attention. Because, while the liberal left takes offense over everything, they think it’s completely fair game to smear Christians as “mentally ill.” This is the kind of horrifying, disgusting anti-Christian bigotry that Faith & Freedom Coalition is working hard to stop. But we can’t keep fighting back without your help. Will you stand up in defense of our faith, by pitching in just $20 to help bolster Faith & Freedom’s efforts? The liberal left has proven, time and time again, that they’re out to destroy Christian America:
And worse, they won’t stop until Christians start fighting back. Until Christians draw a line in the sand and insist that our unalienable right to practice our faith is protected. Faith & Freedom is the strongest grassroots voice in America for Christians and conservatives. Quite simply, when we fight together, Washington listens. America listens. But the only way for us to keep fighting is with your help. Please pitch in just $20 right away. Help us make America safe for Christians once more. Thanks for all your help. God bless, Ralph P.S. The liberal left’s anti-Christian bigotry must stop now. And we’re counting on you to help Faith & Freedom Coalition fight back. Please pitch in just $20 right away--and help Faith & Freedom make America safe for Christians once more. |
My comments: Chrsitians must Wake-Up and realize that the LEFT is Out to DESTROY Christian America. WHY? Because Chrsit Jesus tells them that what they do is EVIL. (John 7:7) Christianity is the only thing that Stands in the Way of the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist TYRANNY they seek.
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