This Wonderful Gift of Grace
December 4, 2017
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9, ESV).
Our life in Christ begins in grace, it continues in grace, and it will end in grace. Once we grasp this, our lives will be marked by freedom instead of bondage; by joy instead of weariness; by delight instead of dread. Spending time in God’s presence will seem like a joyous gift because we will come to understand that we are no longer servants but friends of Jesus.
Understanding and taking hold of this wonderful gift of grace does not negate our responsibility to discipline ourselves in our walk with him, however.
Grace does not relieve us of our obligation to continually seek his face.
Here is my advice to you: Do not neglect to pray, but do so with the oil of God’s grace. Read your Bible with grace or you will come away feeling condemned and fearful rather than enlightened and energized. Why? Because it is God’s work of grace that shows us our inability while at the same time empowering us to acknowledge his ability. And be mindful not to give up on your accountability group, those fellow Christians who love you, encourage you and challenge you all at the same time.
Grace rains down on us from the Lord’s throne and grace is what will draw the world to our lives and our testimonies. When people see God’s grace on us, they will recognize that our hearts have been won by that grace and not by our works.
Open your heart to God’s grace today so that your life will reflect his goodness to all those around you.
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