Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes, 'Nobody connects the dots like Jonathan Cahn'
You’ve heard that history repeats itself.
Anyone familiar with the Bible knows it.
In many ways, it’s a history book about just that – history repeating itself. Israel finds itself in trouble, cries out to God and is delivered. God carefully instructs Israel about how to avoid such trouble in the future – follow His commandments and be blessed, turn away from them and be cursed.
You can’t read the Torah and mistake the message. You can’t read Kings and Chronicles without seeing Israel stumble repeatedly and suffer as a result. You can’t read about the deliverers from Joseph to Moses to Gideon to Jehu and not notice the paradigm.
But what I never realized before reading Jonathan Cahn’s new book, “The Paradigm,” was that this spiritual pattern is alive and well not only in Israel today, but in the United States of America.
I’ve had the pleasure and good fortune to get to know Jonathan Cahn well since 2012 when his book “The Harbinger” took the world by storm. Before that, he was known mostly in the growing messianic Jewish community in the U.S. “The Harbinger” was a wake-up call to the U.S. because it revealed the unmistakable hand of God at work in the America, with profound evidence of God shaking up the other country in the world founded ever-so-clearly on the promises of the God of Israel.
Likewise, his next mega-best-seller, “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” underscored and reinforced the message so it could not be mistaken for a pattern of fantastic coincidences.
Cahn’s “The Paradigm” takes this pattern to staggering new heights.
Not only do events repeat themselves in uncanny ways thousands of years later in a different country, in a different culture, for a different people with striking parallels, indeed, the qualities, characters and actions of biblical leaders can be seen anew in America’s contemporary leaders in unmistakable detail.
Like a master detective or investigative journalist with profound insight into the Bible, Cahn shows how American leaders are making the same errors in the same ways as some of Scriptures’ most infamous characters.
There’s Ahab as a recent president of the United States.
There’s Jezebel as a recent first lady of the United States.
There’s Joram as another recent president of the United States.
There’s just too much detail to ignore, too many striking similarities to dismiss.
I’m not going to attempt to tell the story here, because it would diminish Cahn’s work to summarize it in the limitations of a column or two or three or a dozen.
“The Paradigm” is a paradigm shaker.
It will change your view of the world. It will explain just what Solomon meant when he wrote, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”
If you think Baal worship ended with the ancient Canaanites, you’re in for an awakening. Indeed, it is also alive and well in the U.S. today.
But, as always, with Jonathan Cahn, it’s not just gloom and doom.
The wake-up call he delivers in “The Paradigm” has good news written all over it,
It shows God’s hand is all over things.
His ultimate purpose, what I like to call “the restoration of all things,” is clearly, plainly and manifestly evidenced in the parallels.
It shows we are living in biblical times. It shows God hears and answers the prayers of His people as much today as He did when the children of Israel were crying out about their suffering in Egypt.
It shows God is slow to judge, quick to show mercy.
It shows the key to blessing is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow – with repentance leading not only to personal salvation but to national blessing.
Nobody connects the dots like Jonathan Cahn.
I implore you to read “The Paradigm” to better understand the scares we face in our world today, the troublesome leaders we encounter
and the nagging feeling that we sometimes have that we are reliving some of histories darkest chapters and what that suggests for the future.
My comments: We are living at the End Of The Age, the End of God's having Worked with mankind for Six Thousand Years, and His Day OF REST is at hand--The Return of Christ Jesus to Reclaim the Earth He Created--And the Fulfillment of all the Scripture that remains to be Fulfilled.
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