September 3, 2017
Self-radicalization is a leftist oxymoron
By Linda Goudsmit
Self-radicalization is a Leftist oxymoron – it simply does not exist.
Self-radicalization is a Leftist oxymoron – it simply does not exist.
Radicalization is an interactive social phenomenon.
Radicalization happens socially in mosques.
Radicalization happens socially in cultural centers.
Radicalization happens socially in prisons.
Radicalization happens socially in schools.
Radicalization happens socially in homes.
Radicalization happens socially on social media.
Radicalization is not a monologue – it is a dialogue with Islam and there are no lone wolves. Like the bogus Benghazi video, the lone wolf chimera is pure Leftist fiction created to quell public fear and deflect attention away from the clear and present danger of the spread of Islam in America.
Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago.
Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago.
Islam then and Islam now seeks world dominion – the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law. The global spread of Islam has the immutable goal of world domination. Its tactics and strategies vary depending on the fluctuating economies that support the movement and the social forces that oppose the movement.
The discovery of oil in the Arabian peninsula was a bonanza for the spread of Islam.
Western demand for oil and the spread of Islam increased in parallel trajectories.
Western demand for oil and the spread of Islam increased in parallel trajectories.
Islam went on a buying spree.
Oil wealth purchased excessive power and influence in politics, academia, and the media.
The Islamic expansion strategy was to target the three spheres of influence necessary to rebrand Islam as benign and dupe the gullible West into accepting Islam as a religion like any other.
The greedy West was playing checkers – Islam was playing chess.
The Islamic radicalization most feared by the West is barbaric jihadi terrorism.
The Islamic radicalization most feared by the West is barbaric jihadi terrorism.
Terrorism is arguably the most terrifying element of the spread of Islam but it is not the greatest threat to the West.
The insidious indoctrination of the West toward Islam and away from its native Judeo-Christian traditions is the most dangerous and destabilizing.
The pundits and politicians continue to ask the wrong questions. They keep asking about self-radicalization and lone wolves when the extreme threat is the ideological acceptance of religious supremacist Islamic sharia law in the West.
Vetting is not a matter of being Muslim – it is a matter of following sharia law.
Vetting is not a matter of being Muslim – it is a matter of following sharia law.
Any individual who embraces sharia law is an enemy of the state because sharia law is supremacist and does not recognize any law but sharia.
The United States is a country governed by the tolerance and freedoms codified in our Constitution.
Islam is a worldwide movement governed by the intolerance and supremacism codified in the Sharia.
Sharia law is diametrically opposed to Western secular law.
Sharia law is diametrically opposed to Western secular law.
Like any orthodoxy sharia provides strict and comprehensive rules for acceptable behavior and punishments for unacceptable behavior.
The problem is that the behaviors sharia endorses include murder, rape, child abuse, pedophilia, homophobia, misogyny, slavery – these behaviors are crimes in the West but supported by sharia.
Muslims who embrace sharia do not recognize the secular laws of the West so there is no possibility of living together in multicultural peace.
Peace for Islam is when the whole world is Islamic.
Peace for Islam is when the whole world is Islamic.
Leftists who naively insist that Islam is a religion of peace do not understand this – they have been indoctrinated to believe in the rebranded version of Islam and are too arrogant to understand that Islam is Islam.
The Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, remains dedicated to resurrecting Islamic governance based on Sharia law. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is
The Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, remains dedicated to resurrecting Islamic governance based on Sharia law. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is
"God is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations." Their motto remains unchanged.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization designed to spread Islam worldwide and yet Obama invited them into the US government to make policy about our national security.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization designed to spread Islam worldwide and yet Obama invited them into the US government to make policy about our national security.
It was Obama who ordered the purging of any reference to Islamic doctrine that would explain to law enforcement and the military the ideological inspiration for jihad.
It was Obama who invited the Muslim Brotherhood in to Common Core to rewrite our educational curricula to glorify Islam and disparage Christianity.
The Muslim Student Association is spreading Islam on American campuses.
The Muslim Brotherhood is spreading Islam in the media by misinforming a naive public through programming that denies the threat and expansionist goals of Islam.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a greater threat to America than machete wielding jihadi terrorists dressed in menacing black costumes screaming Allahu Akhbar.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a greater threat to America than machete wielding jihadi terrorists dressed in menacing black costumes screaming Allahu Akhbar.
The Muslim Brotherhood speaks flawless English and camouflages itself in Western clothing to blend in and appear benign.
Thanks to Obama the MB has infiltrated every level of our government and operates freely in the United States to control the conversation about Islam and to disguise Islam's expansionist intentions.
Taqiyyah – the practice of lying in the service of Islam – is the language of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ex-president liar-in-chief Barack Obama is responsible for the proliferation of the Muslim Brotherhood terror organization in America and for inciting the Leftist "resistance" movement including Antifa and Black Lives Matter toward anarchy.
Ex-president liar-in-chief Barack Obama is responsible for the proliferation of the Muslim Brotherhood terror organization in America and for inciting the Leftist "resistance" movement including Antifa and Black Lives Matter toward anarchy.
Obama is fluent in English, taqiyyah, and Leftist Orwellian doublespeak. He was the perfect puppet chosen by the globalist elite to bring chaos to America.
Barack Obama will go down in history as the first anti-American president to ever hold office.
Barack Obama will go down in history as the first anti-American president to ever hold office.
His presidential legacy is the Leftist/Islamist axis designed to destroy American democracy.
His ex-presidential legacy is the "resistance" movement designed to make America ungovernable for President Trump.
Obama's Leftist/Islamist axis was designed to destabilize and destroy American democracy by the globalist elite who finance and support radicalization.
Obama's Leftist/Islamist axis was designed to destabilize and destroy American democracy by the globalist elite who finance and support radicalization.
Radicalization provides the social chaos necessary for the implementation of their own globalist elite new world order of one-world government.
Anarchy and the global instability created by the spread of Islam produces the terrifying conditions necessary to dupe the American people into surrendering their freedoms in exchange for false promises of safety.
The Obama leftovers remaining in government are sabotaging President Trump's agenda to create chaos and make the country ungovernable.
The Obama leftovers remaining in government are sabotaging President Trump's agenda to create chaos and make the country ungovernable.
The West Wing Democrats are eliminating all the President's men and isolating him from MAGA loyalists.
Obama's team has positioned itself to take over the government if they can successfully overthrow President Trump.
President Donald Trump was elected to reverse Obama's anti-American pro-Muslim course.
President Donald Trump was elected to reverse Obama's anti-American pro-Muslim course.
The Muslim Brotherhood, the lethal weapon of choice in the spread of Islam, is creating worldwide instability and must be immediately designated a terrorist organization by President Trump and Congress.
President Trump must get control of his government and reverse the deliberate depopulation of staff loyal to his pro-American Make America Great Again vision.
President Trump must get control of his government and reverse the deliberate depopulation of staff loyal to his pro-American Make America Great Again vision.
If not, the Leftist/Islamist axis will successfully create enough social chaos for the globalist elite to take over the White House and impose their own dystopian one-world government.
That was the plan all along.
© Linda Goudsmit
© Linda Goudsmit
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