Charlie Daniels: There’s a Name for This Radical Movement Bent on Chaos – It’s Called Fascism

(YouTube Screenshot)
I recently read a report about a young lady who went to Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede in Pidgeon Forge, Tennessee. It’s an entertaining wholesome show with outstanding horsemanship, specialty acts, comedy and a down home country dinner, an evening of good fun for the entire family.
Well this person went, not to enjoy the fun but to criticize and try to find some obnoxious racial element in the show or its surroundings, and after miserably failing to do so went to the press with inane bits and pieces of minutia and innuendo.
This person was trying to sow seeds of dissention and division in a place where they will not take root, because Dolly’s popular dinner show, despite having Dixie in its name, is one hundred percent American, patriotic and uplifting, drawing an audience of all races.
And therein lies the true purpose of this radical movement.
It is not a search for truth and unity, but a witch hunt for anything that can be construed or misconstrued to have the least racial overtones, a way to provoke chaos in America, a protest against a president they don’t like and remorse and anger for the candidate who would have carried on the secular socialist policies of Barack Obama.
If there were validity in this movement, a certain senator, who was a member of the KKK and has his name on roads, bridges and all manner of public places in his state would have been one of the first targets.
But, then again, he was a Democrat, so I guess he’s not on the list – as he well should not be. In fact, there should be no “hit list,”
and, if you go down that road, you find that the Democrats, at one time, were the Party that supported slavery, Jim Crow laws and all manner of racial suppression. And that just doesn’t fit with the present-day narrative.
Even if every statue and monument was removed, every memorial highway renamed, every favorable mention of every Confederate General stricken from the history books and every Confederate battle flag burned,
do you really think that the hardcore agitators who are ramrodding this movement would be willing to let bygones be bygones and live in peace and harmony every after?
In my estimation, the roots of this movement grow far deeper than historical reminders of the Civil War and the ghosts and shadows of America’s shameful period of slavery.
This is the precursor of a battle to come, America’s own intifada, well financed and being, in many cases, carried out by people who couldn’t even begin to tell you what goals they are demonstrating for, or against, or whatever.
After all, they are just street soldiers, cannon fodder, to be used and discarded as the changing situational parameters demand.
They are expendable, the bright-eyed young ideologues who man the ramparts, face the tear gas and rubber bullets and shout offensive slogans and get hauled off to jail, while their masters sit in safety and pull the invisible strings.
Peaceful protest is a constitutional right, but violent protest is not. When you look at the elements gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, coupled with the reticence of state and municipal officials to meet force with force, the collision was inevitable.
It was a different story in Boston where there was a determination not to turn their city over to chaos, and they met those bent on trouble with as good as they gave, diverting their intentions and keeping the peace, protecting life, limb and property just as their oath of office demands.
Where would this movement go if they reached their immediate goals? Would it then turn on citizens they for some reason don’t agree with, and what would the collateral damage be?
Would it be the Dolly Partons of this world – who has done nothing but good for her fellow man, is charitable, compassionate, a successful business woman, an employer, a mover and shaker in her profession and most beloved by peers and fans?
Would it be the more affluent who they are being told that part of what they have amassed should belong to everybody?
Or would it be just anybody who disagrees with their political and social opinions and need to be gagged, belittled and disgraced by society or by even more devious methods?
There’s a name for this tunnel vision philosophy.
It’s called fascism, look it up.
What do you think?
Pray for the military, our police and the peace of Jerusalem
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
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