Levin: The Media Contribute to Tyranny in This Country

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin (Flickr Photo/Labeled for Reuse)
On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Monday, host Mark Levin slammed the news media for their critical comments of President Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey, suggesting the media “contribute to tyranny in this country.”
“The media are all about themselves,” stated Mark Levin. “They don’t defend anything. They don’t report the news. They don’t even pretend to be objective. They don’t provide context for anything.
They’re an appendage of the Democrat Party. So, no, the media don’t stand between us and tyranny. The media contribute to tyranny in this country.”
Levin’s comments came after MSNBC, among others, were critical of President Donald Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey and suggested his decision to leave for Texas was too soon.
Below is a transcript of Levin’s remarks from his show Monday:
“You know with all these serious things going on in our country, around the world, and I got to hear people question whether the President of the United States should visit Texas and perhaps Louisiana tomorrow.“I mean, are the media out of control? Are they nuts? Are they nuts?“If he had waited a week, they’d ask why he waited a week. He’s going on Tuesday. If he had decided to go on Thursday, they’d wonder why he hadn’t gone on Wednesday.“Do the media realize why the American people despise them, despite pounding their chest and pretending they defend the First Amendment.“How do the media defend the First Amendment?“You know who defend the First Amendment? The men and women in uniform, the cops in uniform. The media don’t defend the First Amendment.
“The media are all about themselves. They don’t defend anything. They don’t report the news. They don’t even pretend to be objective. They don’t provide context for anything. They’re an appendage of the Democrat Party. So, no, the media don’t stand between us and tyranny. The media contribute to tyranny in this country.
https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-morris/levin-media-contribute-tyranny-country“And you can see it in other countries, where tyranny is spreading, where the media participates in the tyranny. That’s what’s happening in our country. That’s what’s happening in our country.“Tell me, is it not un-American to question a president who’s trying to help the people in Texas and Louisiana, wants to show them support, wants to go down there. Is it not un-American to start questioning him? Of course it’s un-American.“I notice the reporters who go down there, they don’t much worry about interfering with anybody or interfering with anything, do they Mr. Producer?“No. They don’t care.“They’re all standing around in their raincoats and baseball caps in the water, not helping a d--- person. No.“But the president should wait.“Why, so that they can attack him?“I mean, you got all kinds of politicians down there.“Now, if they do seedy things, that’s one thing, but I don’t think a president trying to go down and give support to the governor and give support to the people who are there, a shot in the arm. I think that’s actually a very positive thing.”
My comments: The Media is the PROPAGANDA WING of the Democrat Party--Of the godless Socialist, Secular Humanist CABAL--A CABAL that seeks a TYRANNY.
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