February 18, 2017
Over the past few years God has given me a vision of the future. He has shown me a time when the Holy Spirit will move into the quietness of the night and stir up our children as never before. They will be like the young boy Samuel in the Bible who ran to the priest Eli because he didn’t know whose voice was speaking to him in the night (see 1 Samuel 3). I have seen how these children will run frightened into their parents’ bedroom at night, not realizing that God Himself is speaking to them.
God is calling our children to make a difference. He knows that many of their parents have not fully surrendered their lives, their time, and their energy — their hands and feet and minds and hearts — to His control, so He is calling the children of our time to fill the gap.
My message to the parents of these precious children is this: Do not stop them! It is God Himself calling them. It is His fire, His Holy Spirit preparing the way for the greatest transformation ever to take place in the world.
So many young people are restless, tired of going to church where everything is the same routine. They want to see the Holy Spirit in action. They want to experience all of Jesus now!
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions” (Acts 2:17).
Nicky Cruz, internationally known evangelist and prolific author, turned to Jesus Christ from a life of violence and crime after meeting David Wilkerson in New York City in 1958. The story of his dramatic conversion was told first in The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson and then later in his own best-selling book Run, Baby, Run.
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