Jonathan Cahn describes nation's open door for restoration
Many American Christians are jubilant over the election of Donald Trump, whom they see as a man who can turn back anti-Christian bias in the federal government and “make America great again,” as he promised.
But Jonathan Cahn, the author of the new sensation “The Book of Mysteries” and a man who has been called “America’s Prophet,” holds it is only God who can restore the republic to virtue.
Before the election, Cahn had issued a nuanced defense of Trump against some of the GOP nominee’s fiercest critics, including Glenn Beck. He had suggested Trump at least offered some hope to believers, whereas Hillary Clinton promised nothing but disaster.
“On the one side, I see a platform and I see an agenda that is totally against God,” Cahn said, referring to Clinton. “I mean, it’s gigantic. And we’re going to be in big trouble on the one hand in that sense. On the other hand, I see a big risk. We don’t know what Donald Trump is going to do. But I don’t see any hope on the other side.”
But Cahn also sounded a note of caution about Trump, noting how the flashy real estate mogul actually appeared in the messianic rabbi’s best-selling book “The Harbinger” in a chapter called “The Tower.”
“It’s interesting because Donald Trump is linked to towers,” Cahn said. “And it’s where the people of Israel are saying, ‘We’re going to rebuild stronger, bigger, better, higher, we’ll rebuild, we’ll come back.’ Donald Trump is one of the people quoted where he says, ‘We have to build this tower higher, bigger, stronger than before; it will be great,’ etc. ‘We’re going to do it on our own, and we’re going to come back stronger, and we’re going to fight this by our own resources, and we’re going to be great again.’
“Well, that’s fine to be great again but not without God.
If you don’t humble yourself, if you don’t return to the God who made you great, you’re not going to be great again.
America was made great by God. And you’re not going to have greatness without returning to that.”
Cahn’s pre-election warning seems especially prescient given how Trump Tower has become the focal point of the future president’s transition effort. Media, security forces, celebrities and potential Cabinet members are all swarming Trump’s eponymous skyscraper in New York City, a tangible representation of his willpower, heroic self-image and history of accomplishment.
Take the first step on a journey which will transform your life. The keys to spiritual knowledge are presented as you embark on an incredible yearlong quest in “The Book of Mysteries,” the latest can’t miss book by messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Available now at the WND Superstore.
However inspiring Trump has been in the past, Cahn argues God is following a plan of His own, and only through faith in the God of Israel can America be redeemed. In a recent appearance on “The Jim Bakker Show,” Cahn excited the audience with a powerful excerpt from “The Book of Mysteries,” his revolutionary new devotional. In it, “The Teacher” describes the story of how the Jewish people were restored to their homeland and how the believer is empowered thorough faith.
Rabbi Cahn read from the perspective of a student listening to “The Teacher”:
“He was holding a small shofar. ‘The sign and sound of the Jubilee,’ he said, ‘the year of restoration. What do you remember of it?’ ‘It was the year in which the land would return to its original owners,’ I said, ‘So if your family had lost its ancestral land, they would return home.’
“‘Yes,’ said the teacher, ‘now think about it… Two thousand years ago, the Jewish people lost their homeland and their Holy City, Israel and Jerusalem, their ancestral possessions. But it was prophesied that they would return…’
“‘In other words, it would be a prophetic Jubilee, a restoration to their ancient possession. So could the Jubilee hold the key to the mystery of that restoration?’
“He placed the shofar in my hands. ‘In 1917, in the midst of the First World War, the British Empire issued the Balfour Declaration to give the land of Israel to the Jewish people. So the land would be restored to its original owners.’
“But still missing was the restoration of the Holy City, Jerusalem. The Jubilee comes every fifty years. If we count to the fiftieth year from that first restoration, it brings us to 1967. It was in 1967 that the Holy City, Jerusalem, was restored to the Jewish people, to its original owners, the Jubilee. And in the same moment that Israel was restored to its ancient city, the sign of the Jubilee was manifested – the rabbi who accompanied the soldiers to the Temple Mount sounded the shofar.
“And do you know what the Temple Mount was when Israel first obtained it three thousand years before? A threshing floor…in Hebrew, a goren. And the man who sounded the shofar there in the day of restoration was named ‘Goren,’ Rabbi Goren. And do you know when he was born? In 1917, the year of the first restoration, the first Jubilee. So he who sounded the shofar of Israel’s Jubilee, the fiftieth year, was, himself, fifty years old, the living sign of the Jubilee.
“It had all happened in the exact place at the exact time. You see, God is the God of restoration. And to those who are His, He will restore all things… all that was lost will be found again… in their Jerusalem… and in their appointed time of Jubilee.”
As Rabbi Cahn explained: “If you belong to Messiah, you have the power of Jubilee, the power to restore the lost and the broken. Today, live, speak, and use that power.”
Cahn has said only the most stalwart Christian president would be able to reverse the cultural degradation President Obama set in motion.
“We’re already rolling down the hill,” he said. “We’ve already crossed that tipping point. So right now, it’s not going to take another activist president like Obama to push it [cultural decline] farther. All we need is a leader who will not stop it, and it will accelerate.”
Thus, while the messianic rabbi has hope God will use Trump for His own purposes, he urges Christians to take charge of something they already have some control over, their own walk with God.
“Our hope is God,” he declared. “And no matter what happens, you can stand, you can be strong, you can be the light, that’s why I wrote “The Book of Mysteries.”
“I can’t control what America does. I can’t control America coming back or experiencing revival. But I can have revival in me. I can control what I do. The church needs revival. God’s people need revival. No matter what happens on the outside, we have to be that light. So this book is for that reason.”
Take the first step on a journey which will transform your life. The keys to spiritual knowledge are presented as you embark on an incredible yearlong quest in “The Book of Mysteries,” the latest can’t miss book by messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Available now at the WND Superstore.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/12/harbinger-man-only-god-can-make-america-great-again/#Hq1bWesHh5QWYuRO.99
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