Exclusive: Karl Payne urges voters not to be affected by 'demon-caused passivity'
I am not typically a real political partisan. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness, not a particular political party or ideology. However, I still vote in both local and national elections. Why do I vote if no one on the ballot represents a perfect candidate? Because I still have the privilege to do so – and some candidates promote positions and policies that are more consistent with Christian morals and ethics, and individual, religious and political freedoms, and others promote positions and policies that are less consistent with Christian morals and ethics, and individual, religious and political freedoms. Franklin Graham is correct when he intimates that elections should be more about policy than personality.
I am a Christian who happens to vote, not a voter who happens to be a Christian. I do not and will not apologize for this. Those who disagree with my Christian faith do not apologize for their ideological, religious or political positions, so why should I feel compelled to do so? My goal is to do the best job I can do representing the Lord Jesus Christ with the time He has afforded me to live on planet earth as one of His ambassadors.
In this country, Christians should still have as much right to verbalize and promote their convictions as those who verbalize and promote different convictions. All U.S. citizens, including those with religious beliefs and convictions, are supposed to be guaranteed constitutional rights and protections.
In other words, people who currently insist that Christians should keep their personal religious and ideological views private and compartmentalize their religious convictions from their civil and constitutional convictions are extremely hypocritical when they refuse to keep their personal views private or compartmentalize their theistic or atheistic views from their civil and constitutional convictions.
Daimonizomenos is a Greek participle used in the New Testament that is often translated demon possession in English. Etymologically, the word means demon-caused passivity. It has nothing to do with ownership and everything to do with degrees of control. Ephesians 2:1-2 is a reminder that the current ruler of this world is Satan, although it is clear that his authority is limited and on a leash.
Demons are real and so are their influences and attacks.
Satan, their prince or master, wants Christians to respond to his influence and attacks in fear and with passivity. Christians, on the other hand, are commanded in James 4:7-8 and 1 Peter 5:6-9 to actively resist, or stand resolutely against the devil, his workers and their works. Active resistance is diametrically opposed to passive indifference.
The culture we live in actively tells Christians that it is fine to be a light, as long as that light is covered. It is OK to consider yourself salt, as long as you agree to blend into culture so as not to hurt feelings or give offense. If you want to shine as a star in the night, it’s all right, as long as you tuck yourself behind clouds so that your reflection does not offend anyone looking up. If you choose to believe you are called to be an ambassador for Christ, that is just fine, as long as you keep your message to yourself or share your message in private with those who already agree with your message.
Light that is hidden, salt without savor, stars under clouds, ambassadors that volunteer to remain mute, allowing their work to speak for them – amazing how Satan’s desire for Christians to remain passively silent and our culture’s prescription for acceptable and tolerable Christian expression seem to be one and the same. Like father, like son is an adage that makes a lot of sense in the context of our culture if we understand who God says currently rules planet earth for a time. But that time is quickly coming to a close, and the true King of Kings is returning sooner than later to personally and publicly take over his rightful rule and reign. Until that day, what are we doing, and whose marching orders are we following or disobeying?
God Almighty has commanded us to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints, to be active ambassadors who refuse to be silenced.
Satan would have us apologize for our faith, agree to remain passive to receive the praise of man, and insists our service have more to do with compliant monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil than soldiers for Christ.
Vote for whomever you choose – but vote. Sitting it out for a perfect candidate is an exercise in futility, and worse, it is responding with passivity, which is exactly what the prince of the air, a dragon on a leash, would direct you to do.
“Love Jesus in your church, that’s fine, but do not take your message outside the walls.” That message may please some men, but it does not please God who died on a cross to give us the right to tell others about His love, truth, justice and free gift of salvation, given through His righteousness, not earned as a reward because of our own work (Ephesians 2:8-9).
We live in a country that still allows it citizens to have a part in electing their leadership.
Do not buy into a message of passivity and throw this privilege away.
For me, the promises from the two candidates regarding their respective appointments for Supreme Court justices alone make this one a no-brainer.
You do not have to agree with me, but you ought to agree that Christians who are U.S. citizens have both the right and responsibility to actively participate in a process God ultimately holds securely in His hands. But like prayer, He wants and expects us to participate.
God bless you.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/sitting-out-the-election-just-what-satan-wants/#R8WMAVPeKBDbYH7U.99
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