Exclusive: Barbara Simpson exposes church effort to bring flood of migrants to U.S.
Editor’s note: This is Part 2 in a two-part series on the “refugee scam” taking place in America. Read Part 1 here.)
There’s seemingly no end to the Obama administration efforts to bring Syrian refugees into the United States.
The latest information from the State Department is that Obama’s goal is to get 10,000 here by September. According to an AP report, Obama will then appeal to the U.N. to get even more so-called refugees admitted.
Do the American people know what is being done to them and their communities? No.
Is there any consensus in Congress for this program or how it’s being conducted? No.
It’s what Obama wants, and it’s being done.
The interesting factor is that multi-millions of dollars are being paid to religious organizations to coordinate how these people are “welcomed” into the country and what happens when they get here.
Ironically, even though the religious organizations aiding the resettlement of these people are mostly Christian, the majority of the refugees are Muslim.
In fact, the disparity is shocking.
According to State Department figures, in July alone, of the 2,340 resettled, 98.6 percent were Sunni Muslims and 0.6 percent were Christians.
Since the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year, 98.4 percent were Sunni Muslims, and just 0.46 percent were Christians.
When I attended the refugee informational meeting at my Catholic church, I asked about the religion of the refugees being “welcomed” and was told bluntly that they don’t get involved in that. They said even if they were Muslim, “they would learn.”
The shocking indifference to religions being helped as well as the security and health screenings was apparent. As I was told, they take it on “faith” that the government is doing the right thing in those matters.
As I absorbed the reality of that, I looked at the handout Catholic Charities provided. It was a detailed list of what the “welcoming” committees are asked to do for these people.
The idea is that each parish decides to “sponsor” a refugee family, and have various volunteer committees/teams who will help them get settled and visit with them on an on going basis for several months. The government provides $1,000 per refugee on arrival, though we were told, “That doesn’t go too far.”
The parish is asked to fill in the huge gaps in needs, with lists of items needed to set up households for each room of a house. And more! As I scanned the lists, my eyes glazed and the dollar signs increased.
- Publicize the project; ask for donations of money and furnishings. Organize the collection of furnishings.
- Locate an apartment, clean and furnish and decorate it.
- Stock the refrigerator and provide at least two days of food.
- Arrange an airport welcome with food, clothes, umbrellas, welcome signs and transportation to the apartment.
- Prepare a welcome kit of local newspapers, maps, bus schedules, a month of bus passes, loaner smartphones with two months phone bill covered, possibly a loaner laptop and two months Internet access covered.
- Ensure food, clothing, etc. provided for first two weeks.
- Provide transportation until they can use public transportation and/or get driver’s license and car.
- Help apply for Social Security and social services within the first week.
- Help get regular online access.
- Help open bank account and apply for debit and credit cards.
- Monitor cash needs and subsidies.
- Assistance and information on churches, mental/psychological health-care resources, health checks and immunizations.
- Assistance on public transport use, language coaching; budgeting knowledge, computer skills.
It is especially noted that the Catholic Charities liaison team will ensure that social services benefits are applied quickly, and it will monitor the delivery of benefits – i.e. welfare checks, medical coverage, free phones and bus passes.
Special notice is given that refugees can apply for CalWORKS, food stamps, Medi-Cal, SSI, State Supplement Payments, Immigrant Cash Assistance Programs and General Assistance.
If not eligible for these, the refugee can apply for Refugee Cash Assistance or Entrant Cash Assistance for eight months, which is funded by the feds.
In addition, assistance is given to get children enrolled in school with special assistance to older students for help with GED requirements and high school/community college applications.
There’s also employment assistance: goal setting, resume preparation, training to use job websites, develop interview skills, credential coaching and general job search.
Grocery product lists are provided by nationality as well as location of retail stores catering to varied nationalities.
The parishes are encouraged to maintain contact with the families and welcome them into social and church activities if they desire.
While the bulk of the funding for the program is paid by the federal and the state government, the parishes are urged to donate to the families as their needs dictate.
The group was told that families on average become self-sufficient in three to six months.
I was stunned at the scope of the gifts and freebies to these people as well as the expected donations of time and effort by American citizens to welcome people about whom we know almost nothing.
Why are we doing this when there are people living in our county – every county – American citizens – who are just as needy?
When federal and state money is used for these welfare services, it seems to me it should go first to American citizens in need. That government money is tax money paid by working Americans.
It’s strange that the people supporting these refugee programs feel they need to “give back.” How naïve that they don’t realize it’s their own tax money paying for the programs. They’re already “giving back” and don’t know it.
What’s worse, is that the whole thing is wrapped in religion, weighing it down with guilt.
We all pay for it, and the scam goes on.
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