U.S. Military Developing RFID Microchip Implants For Soldiers
May 13, 2012 By
In a progression that Beginning and End has been following closely, the U.S. military wants to implant RFID microchips in soldiers to provide health updates and locate them easier. The Defense Advance Research Project Agency, or DARPA (who we featured in our article “New World Order Surveillance State: Building The All-Seeing Eye”), is behind the new technology. In the article, we detailed how the increasing technology used to monitor and track all of the electronic communications and movements of every individual was a prelude to end-times Mark of The Beast tracking system that will be implemented by the Antichrist and fulfill Satan’s desire to have god-like omniscience. And now a privacy expert warns will bring us one step closer to all citizens being implanted with microchips.
Promoting Peace and Safety
The microchips, called “nanosensors” by DARPA would be able to monitor the health of soldiers on the battlefield and relay all of the medical information to a database for military doctors to observe. The microchips can “would diagnose, monitor vital states and “even deliver medicine into the bloodstream.” “Solving the problem of sickness could have a huge impact on the number of soldiers ready to fight, because far more have historically died due to illness rather than combat.” (source)
As with all of these technological innovations, they are going to be desired by society. There will be a similar atmosphere at the end times. The Bible describes the mood on Earth before the Day of The Lord, the start of the final years on Earth before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Day of The Lord (also known as the Great Tribulation) will be a time of supernatural judgments, catastrophes and destruction the world has never experienced. It will also herald the coming of the Antichrist, the satanically-empowered False Messiah who rule over a world government. But prior to this, the world will be lulled into a false sense of security:
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
Soon All People Will Have RFID Microchip Implants?
According to a privacy expert, the chipping of soldiers is just one step that brings society closer to all people receiving implants:
“It’s never going to happen that the government at gunpoint says, ‘You’re going to have a tracking chip,’” said Katherine Albrecht, who with Liz McIntyre authored Spychips: How Major Corporations and the Government Plans to Track YourE very Purpose and Watch Your Every Move, a book that warns of the threat to privacy posed by Radio Frequency Identification. “It’s always in incremental steps. If you can put a microchip in someone that doesn’t track them … everybody looks and says, ‘Come on,’” she said. “It’ll be interesting seeing where we go.. Albrecht said the move is another step in the trip down the road of having every person implanted with a chip that might very well monitor health but also other areas of life. (source)
Albrecht points to the example of the millions of pet dogs and cats that have microchip implants as an example of how people have become comfortable with the idea. “It’s interesting,” she said. “I’m stunned how this younger generation is OK. They don’t see the problem. … ‘Why wouldn’t everyone want to be tracked?’”
As in our article on the New World Order Surveillance State, it is Satan’s desire to be like “the most High” and copy all of the power that true God in Heaven possesses. Since Satan cannot see all things at once as The Lord can, using technology to set up a system of that can “see” all people, communications and financial transactions is a suitable imitation to fully control humanity. And many people will want this system. And while this technology is not the Mark of the Beast itself, it is just another sign of Bible prophecy coming to life. This is why looking to the Bible and having faith in Jesus Christ is so important in a very uncertain world. The Bible teaches that the Day of the Lord, the reign of the Antichrist and the full control system will happen. But it will be short-lived. And whether it happens in 10 years or 200, those who believe in Jesus Christ will be saved from this as they will receive eternal life.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. – Revelation 3:10
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