God is Fascinating by Susan Barnes
"O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirst for you, my body longs for you..." Psalm 63:1
Computer games are fascinating to children and adults alike. The temptation is to have just one more turn to see if you can perform better next time. But more than that, it is discovering more aspects to the game.
Computer games are often long and proceed through a series of stages and each stage of a game holds something new. The computer offers the opportunity of making new discoveries every time you play a game and therein lies its potential addictive power.
A speaker I once heard, made the comment that one of the names of God contains the thought that God is fascinating.
As she expounded the idea it struck me that I should feel drawn to God the way someone feels drawn to a computer game.
It's not out of duty that we spend time with God but rather because we find him captivating.
He always has new things to teach us about himself, he always has more truth to reveal to us, and he always wants to bless us with more of his love. God never runs out of things that he wants to impart to us.
Our God is fascinating. Let's become "addicted" to him.
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