- Signs of the Kingdom, Part XXIII
In a previous study, we considered that only a small fraction of what many consider to be the church is actually the true church. This has been verified with studies which have found that only a small fraction of evangelical church members are even born again. Believing and living a doctrine are not the same.
In a two-and-a-half-day prophetic experience I had in 1987, I was shown a panoramic view of coming events which have unfolded since that time. I wrote about this in my second book, The Harvest. In this vision, I was shown multitudes of those who were gathered in the last-day harvest who considered themselves Christians. They believed the doctrine, some were faithful church members, and some were even church leaders. Though they believed “You must be born again” (see John 3:7), they were not. Instead of laborers in the harvest, they were part of the harvest.
To judge who is born again, and who has deceived themselves into thinking they are but are not, is above our pay grade.
As the apostle Paul said, “The Lord knows those who are His” (II Timothy 2:19). Yet Jesus also taught, “You will know them by their fruits” (see Matthew 7:16). This “fruit” we should look for is far more than being nice people. Fruit is the reproductive process for more trees. Are we reproducing our faith in others?
The Lord said the branches that did not bear fruit would be cut off or pruned (see John 15:2), so this is a critical issue.
Only the Spirit can beget that which is Spirit (see John 3:6), and believing and living a doctrine are not the same.
The key to bearing fruit is to abide in Him, as we are also instructed in John 15. If we do this, fruit will come, just as trees need not strive to bear fruit. Fruit trees planted in good soil will bear fruit, just as we will bear fruit if we abide in Him.
To abide in Christ and be rightly joined to the Head, we must also be joined to His body, the church. What if we cannot find a church body we fit into, as many claim? Then we are in the wrong place.
Our Shepherd did not call us and then leave us to fend for ourselves. He called us to be members of His body, to which we must be connected. While it may seem like there is not a mature body of believers anywhere on earth that measures up to the biblical standard, the Lord always has a remnant. He may not yet have one in our region because He has been waiting for us and others like us to get engaged and become the part we were called to be.
Again, we cannot rightly be connected to the Head if we are not also connected to His body. We have been given the same calling as Abraham—to pursue that few can see—the city God is building, not the city men are building. This city is the most glorious dwelling place because it is God’s dwelling place. Once we see this city, it is impossible to be impressed by anything we or anyone else can build. Those who see His city are ruined for anything else. It is for this we were made, and for this we must live.
Those who are not in pursuit of this city of God have not yet seen the city to which they are called. For those who have seen it, it is difficult to consider anything else. In prophetic experiences, I have seen and experienced this city. I have had heavenly experiences of other places far greater than in any dream, yet none compared to His city.
His city was filled with people who were extraordinary, engaging, and wonderful beyond imagination. Even more intriguing was the life that was in them; it was so contagious I never wanted to leave.
This life was the presence of the Lord. This is what the church is called to be, and this is coming to earth. If we are called to be part of this, we are called to do our part to build it. We do this by finding our place and growing in it.
© 2023 Rick Joyner. All Rights Reserved
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