Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Thursday, October 12, 2023



On September 19, 2023, National Voter Registration Day, U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL), Ranking Member of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Elections, led every House Democrat in introducing HR 14, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

With 212 votes already secured, they only need six more votes to put the Department of Justice (DOJ) in charge of every election no matter how small. 

At least 13 states passed 19 laws weakening election integrity. 

Overall, there are at least 569 bills that will make election fraud easier.

We must flood key legislators with faxes to demand they fight HR 14 and stop the legalization of election fraud! Make your voice heard in Congress today by clicking here or the button below. — Mat


Under the cover of fighting racism, HR 14 fosters racism and election fraud.

If a “protected class” is large enough to elect someone because it acts in a “politically cohesive” voting block but the votes of others in the district pick a candidate other than what one race or protected group supposedly wanted — then that constitutes a dilution of the vote, which is prohibited. 

Of course, this assumes that people of a certain race or ethnicity will always vote for a certain party or candidate. Isn’t that itself racist?

Send your urgent fax to Congress to demand they vote against HR 14 to stop fraud from becoming permanent.

HR 14 is designed to do away with any photo ID requirement — or any other requirement to prove a person’s identity.

ALL state requirements for photo ID will be erased. 

The absence of voter ID will open the door for illegals, convicted felons, minors, for people voting as many times as they want, and even for “dead” people.

If HR 14 passes, it will override all state laws

That is why we must stop this federal power grab. HR 14 will:

(1) Seize authority from the states and place the federal government in complete control.

(2) Ban state voter ID laws.

(3) Mandate no-fault absentee ballots.

(4) Automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”), and thus require the person to opt out.

(5) And much more.

We must stop this bill! Send your urgent faxes to Congress and demand that HR 14 be stopped before it destroys our nation.

You can help us fight this bill now! Take advantage of our extended Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift right now. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

Please pray for America and for peace in Israel.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. There is no time to waste to defeat this bill. We have a Challenge Grant that will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donationsSelect here to equip our staff to fight this battle for a free and fair election.

Then send a fax directly to members of Congress to urge them to fight against HR 14. And sign our petition against this bill.


H.R.14 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2023. (2023, Sept 19). 118th Congress (2023-2024 Session).

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854

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