Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Even Greater Fire Fell on the Final Night

by  | Sep 14, 2023 | Mario Murillo Ministries, Proof4LA

It may have been the final night of Proof4LA, 2023, but it was the greatest demonstration of the power of God that we saw all week.

The night started with a special live edition of FirePower with Mario and Todd Coconato talking about the issues of the day that affect each of us and giving practical instruction on what to do about those issues. This was the first time they have ever done a live version of the show, and it was excellent.

The show went right up to the start of Proof4LA, and it flowed from one to the other. Once again, Victory Outreach led us in worshiping the Lord, and it was amazing. God’s presence was in the Tent from the first note and His power grew with every minute that passed.

When Mario took the stage, he opened with a powerful prayer and then had the people shout unto God with the voice of triumph! It was incredible to hear all those saints exalting the name of Jesus!

Mario began by describing the night as what he termed, a ‘threshold conversation.’ That is the conversation which takes place when you have friends over, you’ve had a meal and enjoyed each other’s company. Then you stand near the open door as they are about to leave, and suddenly everyone opens up and the most heartfelt and meaningful of conversations take place. Mario told us, “That’s what this night is going to be. A conversation at the threshold, talking about the things that matter.

He shared that we are the only movement in the history of the world where the founder attends every meeting. And then had the people repeat, “He’s here. And because He’s here, all things are possible.”

Mario said that in a short while he would invite people to stand and come to the front, and that when they do, their past sins will be erased, but that it would not be like going to confession, it would not be just ‘a spot removing’, but a profound cleansing.

It will be a time when you hear the promise of God. When turning to Christ will break the control of heroin, the control of alcohol, fentanyl, pornography, and you will no longer be controlled, addicted, diseased, nor a slave to anyone or anything.

He said there is a step toward God that requires faith, and that you have to say, “I can’t imagine it, but I’m going to give God a clear opportunity to change my life.” And that step will be costly.

Mario then read the scripture in Acts chapter 8 about Simon the sorcerer being highly regarded, and Mario warned the people that false miracles and false prophets are going to arise in these coming days. And that we are already being lied to and watching demon power rising to new levels.

The Bible says perilous times will come because of what men will be. When you can no longer sleep, when appetites grow perverse, when your habits start to control you, when feelings of profound grief, anger, and sorrow convulse you – you are starting to understand that we are living in a time when the veil will be torn. The supernatural will be everywhere, satanic clubs, classes on the supernatural, superstition will run rampant. Intelligent people will give themselves over to blood sacrifices.

Mario asked, ‘Why am I not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ? Because we are the group, the family, that has authority over Satan. If you think you can be neutral, that Satan will not bother you because you choose not to be a threat; he will go after you first.’

It will no longer be an option. Churches will not be allowed to operate in the nine gifts of the Spirit. The only church that will grow is a supernatural church, because the people who will come knocking on your door will have devils, and they will need deliverance.

Americans are tired of hearing empty and powerless sermons in the dead churches. Tired of being told to ‘feel better about yourself.’ Mario said, “I don’t want you to feel better about yourself – I want you to be set free!”

The emotional needs of the American people have run off the map of the natural. People are no longer experiencing natural problems, now they are experiencing supernatural problems. They are coming to Jesus by the thousands, because they are saying, ‘I need a miracle!’

He then spoke about the woman who met Jesus at the well in John 4, and how she was angry because of her spiritual addiction to men, whom she used to meet at the well. And how she promised herself each time she would never return, but that thirst would always come back up.

In the same way, Mario said, you keep telling yourself you are not addicted to cigarettes, you can quit any time you want. You can control your feelings, your emotions, your mind – but it’s not true.

Jesus told the woman at the well that if she knew Who it was that was offering the gift and what the gift was, she would ask Him to give her living water, and she would never thirst again.

Mario told us, ‘If you want to break that habit you’ve promised yourself over and over that you would stop, but without success, you must turn to the One Who gives the gift that finally quenches your thirst. Surrender to the One Who has the power to break the thing you cannot break by your own power.’

Mario then asked the people who wanted to surrender their life to Jesus Christ to raise their hands, then stand, and finally to come down to the front of the Tent. The response was enormous! Such a beautiful, wonderful, incredible sight. To see all these souls say to Jesus that He is the only One who can quench their thirst, break their habit, the only One who can free them, deliver them, and give eternal life!

Mario then prayed over them and sent them out of the Tent to be ministered to by our great team of workers. I always love going out before they do and watching them stream out of the Tent to find people who are excited and waiting to pray with them.

Mario then began talking to the people about miracles and healing, and he instructed everyone who had a need to raise their hands. Hand went up all over the Tent, and Mario had everyone near those with raised hands to begin praying for them.

He had the people repeat a prayer after him, acknowledging God as the source and power of the healing. Then healings started breaking out all over the Tent.

He said that several people were being healed in their legs, and that they needed to get out into the aisle and start walking. Several people went out into the aisles, walking and jumping and moving their legs freely.

Next Mario announced that there was a miracle of cancer being healed and he pointed to a section near the middle. He then came down off the platform and headed straight to where he had pointed, worked his way around the side and moved straight to a woman, laid hands on her and prayed, then declared, “This is done”

What Mario couldn’t have known is that this woman was the friend of a man who I know, back home. That man had told this woman that Mario would be in their area, and that they needed to attend. This was the only night they could attend, but I had not told Mario or anyone that they would be here. God revealed it and God did it. I can’t wait to call my friend and hear the full report.

Next, Mario called on a man, told him he needed healing in his body and that he would be healed, but first he needed to pray for the woman next to him. Her heart, lungs, and spine were all healed.

Then he had a woman stand with seven areas of need in her body. Her ability to walk and bend and breathe were all impeded due to a serious accident. She had been suffering pain for twenty years. The pain in her joints, spine, neck, and feet, along with breathing problems and a blood disease were all healed!

Mario started to move on, then was stopped suddenly, when the Holy Spirit showed him that someone’s lungs were being opened. He told them to take a deep breath. He then stopped and said, “Satan I rebuke you in Jesus name. I thank you Lord Jesus that you have defeated the devil in this room.” Mario revealed that there were dark forces being broken by the power of Jesus throughout the Tent.

Mario then turned to a section and called out that God wanted to heal those suffering from migraine headaches. There were nine people who all stood and were healed.

Then he had a man stand and had his wife put her hand on his back. He was healed in his nerves, muscles, and joints.

Next, Mario went to another section and called for everyone around him who was battling heart disease to raise their hands, and then, to stand up. Eventually, nearly 20 men and women stood and were all healed.

Then Mario had a man pray for his wife’s ears, and he then said her feet were also being healed.

Mario then pointed out a young woman toward the back of the Tent, and had her stand up. She was broken and weeping as she stood, and he said there was something growing in her that was now being burned out. And that her next x-ray would reveal it is gone. She was healed of cancer in the name of Jesus!

Mario went to another section and revealed there were about 15 people who were battling diabetes, and he had them stand. Then he stated that five more were being healed in their eyes, and six who were being healed of heart disease. All of them were healed of their diabetes.

He then called for others to come lay hands on people all over the Tent, pointing out specific individuals. He continued to bind Satan as he moved among the audience.

Next he went to a section in the back and said people were being healed in their liver and kidneys. He stopped in front a woman and revealed that she had suffered for many, many years. She was being healed in her liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart. She had lived with constant pain, sometimes not even being able to get out of bed. Weeping, she was healed and freed of the pain in her body.

He went to another section and had everyone who needed to be healed to raise their hands. Then declared, “Be healed in Jesus name”.

Mario had a woman stand and put her hands out, and told her that she had been wondering if she too would be healed. He said she that was being touched in her brain, neck, and stomach.

Next he went to a woman and told her God was going to heal her, but not through Mario praying, but rather by her praying for the man next to her. They stood and Mario revealed the man was being healed in his heart, feet, legs, and spine. As the woman placed her hands on the man, they were both healed.

He then went to a woman and had her stand to get her healing. She was being healed in her eyes, her blood, pancreas, liver, diabetes, lung disease, and liver disease. He said she had been suffering since she was a little girl and had experienced suffering on an unimaginable level. That she had almost died three times. He also revealed that, because of the intense pain and suffering, that she had once considered taking her own life, even writing out a suicide note. And now she was being fully restored.

It was such a powerful and miraculous night. There is no way my words can do it justice. I urge you to go watch the replay of the livestream and see and feel the power of the Holy Spirit for yourself. Your faith will be ignited and grow immensely, and you just might receive the healing you so desperately need, as well. Here is the link:


If you were in the room you know how wonderful the night was, how amazing it was to witness what God did, in touching his beloved children.

If you were unable to make it to the Tent, I hope you will take the time to watch the replays of each night, and that you would try to make it to a meeting in the future. Not because you need to see Mario Murillo, but because you need to experience being in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

What a week it has been in Los Angeles! I can’t wait to hear all the many stories of lives touched, changed, redeemed, and healed.

And I am looking forward with great anticipation to the Living Proof meetings in Winston-Salem, NC which will take place October 22nd through the 25th. There will be more information about the meeting and about volunteering at mariomurillo.org

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