Today, we live in a time of Great Deception,
And yet, from now on, Deception will be Ever Increasing.
It is my view,
That we are living in the Last of the Last Day of Time
Soon, the man of Lawlessness will be Revealed.
He will perform counterfeit Miracles,
That will Deceive those who are Perishing.
They Perish because they Refuse to Love the Truth.
(2 Thessalonians 2)
From now on, we can expect that Deception will run Rampant,
So much so, that as Christ Jesus warned,
Even the Elect will be Deceived, if that were possible.
(Matthew 24:14)
Soon, the Whole World
Will worship the Antichrist and Satan himself,
And they will receive his Mark,
Damming themselves to an Eternal Hell.
(Revelation 13)
Yet, Christ Jesus will have His Glorious Bride,
Without Spot, Wrinkle or Blemish,
And She will live with Him Forever in His Glorious Kingdom.
The Bride of Christ will Overcome this Wicked World
By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony,
Not loving this life so much as to Shrink from Death.
(Revelation 12:11)
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