At age 12, Chloe told her parents she identified as a “boy.”
They immediately sought expert advice.
“They asked my parents a simple question: Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living transgender son?”
“The choice was enough for my parents to let their guard down, and in retrospect, I can't blame them.
This is the moment that we all became victims of so-called gender-affirming care,” Chloe shared under oath.
“I was fast-tracked onto puberty blockers and then testosterone. The resulting menopausal-like hot flashes made focusing on school impossible.
I still get joint pains and weird pops in my back … A month later, when I was 13, I had my first testosterone injection.
It has caused permanent changes in my body.
My voice will forever be deeper, my jawline sharper, my nose longer, my bone structure permanently masculinized, my Adam's apple more prominent, my fertility unknown.”
While this was only the beginning of Chloe’s serious problems, her story should be enough to stop this from happening to other young impressionable children … except for the fact that LGBTQ radicals are pressuring Congress.
Urge Congress to block HR 15 (“Equality Act”) that will push this damage on even more children.
Chloe continued, “I look in the mirror sometimes, and I feel like a monster.
I had a double mastectomy at 15.
They tested my amputated breasts for cancer.
That was cancer-free, of course. I was perfectly healthy.
There is nothing wrong with my still-developing body or my breasts other than that, as an insecure teenage girl, I felt awkward about it.”
“After my breasts were taken away from me, the tissue was incinerated.
Before I was able to legally drive, I had a huge part of my future womanhood taken from me.
I will never be able to breastfeed.
I struggle to look at myself in the mirror at times.
I still struggle to this day with sexual dysfunction.
And I have massive scars across my chest and the skin grafts that they used, that they took of my nipples, are weeping fluid today,” she concluded.
The damage done to Chloe’s body is horrific.
Yet HR 15 would normalize this abuse.
Doctors, nurses, counselors, teachers, police and first responders, and even clergy will be threatened with forced compliance.
The “Equality Act” will force churches and religious schools — pre-K through college — to remain silent about the real harm that LGBTQ behaviors cause.
This would cause even more people like Chloe to be harmed.
Send a fax immediately to help us fight this outrageous bill.
Chloe shared, “At 16, after my surgery, I did become suicidal.
I'm doing better now, but my parents almost got the dead daughter promised to them by my doctors.
My doctor had almost created the very nightmare they said they were trying to avoid.”
“So what message do I want to bring to American teenagers and their families?” Chloe asked.
“I didn't need to be lied to. I needed compassion.
I needed to be loved. I needed to be given therapy that helped me work through my issues, not affirm my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems.
We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong,” she boldly stated.
Tell Congress that NO ONE IS BORN WRONG.
The truth is that 100% of all “gender reassignment surgeries” fail!
Every single time.
You cannot become a different gender.
There are about 6,500 differences on a cellular level between boys and girls, and no number of surgeries will change this biological fact.
You can hurt or maim a girl or a boy, but you cannot change them into something they are not.
We must not remain silent. Throw off the muzzle and speak with truth and love.
That is exactly the opposite of what HR 15 will do.
It will muzzle; it will silence; and it will punish anyone, like Chloe, who warns others of the truth.
Urge the U.S. House to block this bill and stop others from experiencing this pain.
Make no mistake, this House bill is a very real threat.
It paints a huge target on the backs of everyone.
If you haven’t already, sign our petition.
We are preparing the necessary support documents to make the petition effective to those receiving it.
Our team in Washington, D.C., is in contact with members of Congress to stop this bill. But we need your help. Join our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift. Support Liberty Counsel Action today.
I am grateful for the privilege of serving you and other concerned patriots on Capitol Hill. Thank you for standing with us!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
“Chloe Cole Opening Statement on Transitioning and Detransitioning.” C-SPAN, July 27, 2023. C-span.org/video/?c5079802%2Fchloe-cole-opening-statement-transitioning-detransitioning.
Hains, Tim. “De-Transitioner Chloe Cole Tells Congress: Let Me Be Your Final Warning.” Real Clear Politics, July 27, 2023. Realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/07/27/de-transitioner_chloe_cole_tells_congress_let_me_be_your_final_warning.html.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854
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