2022: Year In Review
As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished and experienced. Our hope in looking back is not to rest on past successes, but to be encouraged for the work that is still ahead.
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9
The year started off with four powerful nights in Hanford, CA. The weather was challenging as we sat in 30+ degree weather for hours.
The year started off with four powerful nights in Hanford, CA. The weather was challenging as we sat in 30+ degree weather for hours. But no one seemed in any hurry to leave, they had come to meet with God and did He ever show up.

It was clear God was the one doing the healing.
Four nights of God’s glory poured out over a hungry and hurting people. Each night, hundreds would come forward for salvation. Thousands over the course of the four nights.
We watched as God touched many people, healing them right where they sat. It was clear God was the one doing the healing. Many times, we would focus on and pray for someone when across the Tent someone else would be set free or stand up out of their wheelchair. With no one around them but the power of God.

The final night Mario had a woman share who had suffered for many years with Multiple Sclerosis. But at a previous event she had been completely healed. This night she brought a note from her doctor confirming the miracle.

Over the course of the four nights, we saw so many miraculous things. Heart disease healed, addictions broken, diseases removed. But nothing compares to seeing the thousands of souls come forward and surrender their lives to God. I will never tire of it.

From there the tent went to Colorado Springs, Colorado. And if we thought the response was amazing in Hanford we had not seen anything yet.
Each night the tent would be full as much as two hours prior to the scheduled start time. In addition, there was a youth camp happening simultaneously and they attended the meetings each night. Hundreds of young people on fire for God filled that place and brought a new, exciting atmosphere we’d not seen before.
The first night as worship began the young people flooded down to the stage area and worshipped God mightily. From their example others joined in each night until the final night there was no room to move, because so many had come forward to worship.

The air was electric, people were excited and in great anticipation. And as He always does, God responded to the hearts of His people.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
The weather was very different from Hanford. Where Hanford had been freezing, Colorado was exceptionally warm. But there was some rain.
As the first night drew to a close and the rain was clearing, a beautiful, bright double rainbow appeared directly over the tent. It was like a visual stamp of approval of the blessing of God.

It is always incredible to see all that God does in the lives of His people.
The Tent was bursting at the seams with people. And because of the more favorable weather, people were filling the space outside around the Tent. There were as many outside as there were inside. Three or four thousand people showed up each night.
And like Hanford, we witnessed God do miraculous things. We watched people who struggled to stand or to walk, began to move freely. Standing, walking, running, jumping, and praising God.
It is always incredible to see all that God does in the lives of His people.
But again, my favorite part is when broken and lost souls come forward to surrender their lives to God. And we saw some of the largest responses we’ve seen yet under this tent. So many thousands saved and set free.

From there the Tent traveled to Roseville, CA just outside the capitol of California, Sacramento. Because of the location, I was not sure what to expect, but God did more mighty works there as well.
The first night Mario had called out a woman and told her she was being healed and the Lord also revealed to him that she nearly died three times. This was a confirmation of what God was doing. We later learned she had broken her ankle which then developed a blood clot. That clot traveled to her brain and heart. When it burst, it filled her lungs. She was told by her doctors that each of those three times she could easily have died.

She was so excited she could hardly stand still and she stood, shakily at first but then with greater strength as God healed her body. Soon she was out of her seat and running around the entire tent. It was a clear and definite miracle of God.
Again hundreds came forward for salvation each night. People desperate and hungry for God.

As soon as we wrapped the week up in Roseville, the Tent was pulled down and immediately trucked across the country where it was set up in Fort Myers, FL. After an incredibly short break over the Thanksgiving weekend the tent was raised and our final event of the year took place.
Two nights in Fort Myers, a place recently devastated by Hurricane Ian and in need of physical as well as spiritual support. We were able to provide both.
This event had the addition of Lance Wallnau who brought a different atmosphere into the Tent. He challenged the people and reminded them that they have a part to play in what God is doing in our lives and in this nation.

It was a beautiful event where there as many miraculous healings and deliverances as previous meetings. And again, hundreds coming forward for salvation. I know I talk about it at each event, but it truly is the highlight. It’s why we do what we do.
“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35)
The greatest reason we are able to experience all we do in these events is you, the many volunteers. Without the thousands of people giving of their time to travel to the tent site we couldn’t accomplish these mighty events.
We are so grateful to each of you who give of your time and your resources, going into the streets to tell people about the Tent meetings and praying with them. To stand with each person as they come forward for salvation. To put the tent up, and take it down. To guide people and help them park. To make the night one free of challenges and difficulties so they can experience a true encounter with the God of the Universe.

Thank you all! We couldn’t do it without you!
And we look forward to the new year, 2023. God is only going to do more. As we are faithful to obey His call, He will use us to accomplish His purposes.
If you’ve not been to a tent event in the past, I highly encourage you to watch the calendar for our upcoming events and come to as many as you can. Your life will forever be changed as you witness the reality and power of God.
Our next event will be March 12 – 15 in Bakersfield, CA. Make plans to be there. And we’d love to have you sign up as a volunteer to be a part of the work. You will be forever blessed!

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