My sister in Christ Roberta Foster wrote this and I couldn't agree more. Thank you for sharing truth My beautiful Friend

Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
My sister in Christ Roberta Foster wrote this and I couldn't agree more. Thank you for sharing truth My beautiful Friend
by Mario Murillo | Nov 28, 2022 | Fire and Glory Tour, Mario Murillo Ministries
We have never had an event go through so many changes and challenges. Yet, despite all of the adjustments and setbacks, this event is sold out!
Our team is already in Fort Myers awaiting 3 semi-trucks loaded with the Tent, food, and supplies for the victims of Hurricane Ian. What an amazing outcome! To be able to combine a history making gathering for awakening in America with an outreach to lost and hurting souls.
I have never been more proud of our team. As I have said many times, they are like Patton’s troops who came out of a three-day battle with no rest or food, and marched 100 miles to Bastogne to liberate the allies.
Our team spent weeks in the Sacramento Valley ministering to thousands and then staged a four-day crusade—and, with just Thanksgiving for a break, they headed to Florida.
While you read this, hundreds of volunteers are making their way to the neighborhoods where so many are still suffering from Ian.
This will be our crescendo for 2022! Two nights of Fire and Glory! Monday night, Lance Wallnau will declare the fire of awakening over our nation. His message will hit the enemy and his agenda head on. Not only that, but he and I will share a time of supernatural ministry.
What do we expect? We expect thousands of people to be drenched by the power of the Holy Spirit. We expect hundreds of pastors and leaders to be endued with fire to turn our nation back to Jesus. Our expectation is for a record number of souls to be saved both in the Tent and by our team, going door to door.
There is no doubt God’s hand is on our endeavor. God met and defeated every resistance we faced. We know that healing miracles will appear each night. There is not one among us who doubts that this is God’s time.
If you are coming: Do not miss this event. Your ticket and registration are now very valuable. The tent is air-conditioned. We have plenty of clean restrooms. We are putting together a plan for parking. Everything will be ready for you. Because we expect capacity crowds—as we said the event is sold out—we recommend that you arrive early. The announced time is 7 PM but the worship will start once the Tent is full.
If you do not have a reservation you should try to come anyway. We must honor those with tickets first, but at 6:45 PM we will open to everyone. We are putting up thousands of chairs to accommodate as many as possible.
Will the event be live streamed? We will be making an announcement about live streaming 48 hours prior to the meeting. We are almost certain to live stream but we do not want anyone who can be there to settle for watching it at home.
This will be an amazing event. We know that it is sent from heaven for this time. Pray for us right now! Storm heaven for souls, miracles and an awakening!
To the People of Arizona and of the United States: Printer problems, tabulation errors, 3-hour lines or longer, and confusing instructions given by election officials made this Election Day the most chaotic in Arizona's history. Half of the Voting Centers that opened for the first time on Election Day (where the overwhelming majority of voters were voting for Kari Lake) were not operational or had significant failures. Would you get on a plane if HALF of the engines didn't work? Would our friends in the media be able to broadcast their nightly propaganda if HALF of their studio equipment was not working? The 2022 General Election in Arizona was botched and broken beyond repair. This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. This is about our sacred right to Vote, a right that many voters were, sadly, deprived of on November 8th. Tens of thousands have reached out, pleading with me to fight for them. Rest assured, I will. If we give up now, we will no longer have a Country. Attorneys are working diligently to gather information, whistleblowers ARE coming forward, and the curtain is being lifted. Whether done accidentally or intentionally, it is clear that this Election was a debacle that destroyed any trust in our elections. Arizonans who chose to make their voice heard on Election Day shouldn't be disenfranchised or punished for choosing to vote in person. Yet they were. I want you to know, Arizona, I will continue fighting until we restore confidence and faith in our elections.
Thank You, ![]() Kari Lake Candidate for Arizona Governor |
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God’s Redemptive Plan – Toni M. Babcock
Have you ever thought you live in Bizarro Land?
Did you ever imagine we would see things that were once unthinkable, inconceivable, incomprehensible, would become routine?
Think about it. How about doctors performing child "genital mutilation"? There's simply no other way to say it or describe it. Yes, they have euphemisms to say it politely, to sell America that it's really OK. But it's just as monstrous, just as contrary to reason, just as hard to believe that it happens for money in once prestigious hospitals.
And then there is the obvious sexualization of children that takes place every day. I'm talking about them being "groomed" for sex as babies, little innocent kids, brought to drag queen story hours – by parents, no less.
This kind of thing was not done except in dark shadows until recently. I wish it wasn't so. Now it's being defended in the major media instead of being exposed.
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There's a new slur behind this – "stochastic terrorism" – that's being used to mock, shame and deride the brave people who call this out for the crime it is. It's another way of telling the world this kind of child exploitation isn't happening – even thought we see it before our own eyes. One way this is done is that they accuse you of putting people's lives at stake.
Of course, in the age of Big Tech "disinformation" rules, exposing all this can be a challenge. There are a lot fewer voices willing to risk all – like WND has. We've been permanently demonetized by Google and YouTube for a lot less.
Tucker Carlson is one who defies the odds. He fearlessly names names of those playing this game. Matt Walsh is another hero who has paid a price for breaking these stories.
Then there are the fearmongers, the deniers, like Brandy Zadrozny of NBC: "Online, including this Libs of TikTok account, which feeds larger media like Fox News stories, what has happened is a demonization of LGBTQ people, calling them groomers and pedophiles. This type of thing, whether we can say it's motive or not, what we know is that it's just another reason why LGBTQ people are scared."
Children's Hospital in Boston has admitted performing double mastectomies on children for no medical reason at all. There is no scientific justification for sexually mutilating kids. They are not doing it for a scientifically defensible reason. They are doing it because they believe in a very specific religious ideology – and for money. Is pointing that out an attack on gay people? Of course, it is not an attack on gay people. It has nothing to do with gay people. It has to do with the sexual mutiliation of children, which is wrong, period.
University of California, San Francisco Hospital, one of the leading hospitals in the world, is doing this as well. Here's an actual quote from its website: "Genital surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently in minors. In the absence of solid evidence, providers often must rely on the expert opinions of innovators and thought leaders in the field."
Says Carlson: "Your child gets sexually mutilated, genital surgery that is irreversible not on the basis of science, but on the basis of innovators and thought leaders. It's hard to believe that's happening. That quote was scrubbed, by the way, after we reported on it, not because it wasn't a real quote, but because it was a real quote. It was too incriminating."
He adds: "That's the sexual mutilation of children for no medical or scientific reason, simply because right now it is fashionable and consistent with a cult that has taken over a lot of the leadership of this country. But the fact remains, children are being destroyed by this. It should be a crime. The people who commit it should be in jail."
Carlson recently exposed the latest ad for the clothing brand, Balenciaga. The Instagram photo they're using to sell their products features a young girl holding a teddy bear in a bondage outfit. In addition, the ad contains an image of documents involving the U.S. Supreme Court case called Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition. That case struck down a law against kiddie porn. The ad campaign is an endorsement of kiddie porn, of child pornography.
"We reached out today to Balenciaga to get their explanation and they didn't respond," Tucker said. "So, we're going to have to take that on face value and ask, where's the moral outrage? We have an entire industry in this country comprised of moral outrage merchants."
What's going on here?
As Carlson says: "There's no boycott. There's no front-page New York Times editorial against it. … It's right in your face, and no one's saying anything. Again, Instagram had no problem with this. Until Elon Musk took over Twitter, Twitter allowed hashtags that explicitly linked to child pornography. Nobody said anything because crimes against children are no big deal. It's thought crimes that are the real crimes."
America has indeed become a nation that is dangerous for children and truth-tellers.