Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Girl nails school board: 'I don't want to hear about sexuality during class'
Condemns classes for causing 'confusion and frustration'

Published June 29, 2021 at 6:38pm

(Video screenshot)
A young girl in an Indianapolis suburb has scolded her own school board for emphasizing "sexuality" and adopting various socially correct teaching agendas, including teaching that white students have "privilege."
A video of the statement from the unidentified girl was posted by NotTheBee.
"I have been in counseling as long as I can remember, because I was adopted from foster care at age 4.
Things I have learned along the way are being challenged now, when my science and math teachers are trying to teach me how to be emotionally … then why are they teaching me about sexuality and how to identify," she said.
"I don't want to hear about sexuality during class in front of other students because that should be a private thing.
This should be left in the homes, and between students and counselors or in one-on-one conversations."
TRENDING: Trump reveals ex-football star Herschel Walker will run for Senate: 'He told me he's going to'
She continued, "This has been a very traumatic part of my past and the more the school focuses on sexuality, the more it affects my anxiety.
It leaves confusion and frustration in my mind, and I don't know how to deal with that because they only focus on more content I feel hurt about.
"For example, I was told I have white privilege.
How can a child born in an abusive drug and alcohol abuse home, who lost her entire biological family, that has experienced all forms of abuse in life be privileged.
If you found a child at 15 months in a home with holes in the floor eating cat poop, would you consider them privileged? Just asking…."
"We have to stop the stereotypes and bitterness toward groups because it gets us nowhere but divided," she said.
"They are trying to divide us into two groups instead of trying to bring us together at one.
Every day I felt less and less valued as a student…"
She said the school's focus is on "sexuality, political topics, and emotional topics."
NotTheBee commented, "Let this brave child from Indiana educate you on why precepts of Critical Race Theory like 'white privilege' are both illogical and morally abhorrent."
Social media commenters were largely unanimous, calling the girl "so brave."
One made a suggestion: "Homeschool. You will not regret it!"
'Outrageous': Probe demanded of IRS decision to link biblical values, GOP
Members of Congress want to know why group was denied status based on faith

Published June 30, 2021 at 1:18pm

'In God We Trust' is emblazoned above the American flag in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. (Video screenshot)
Several members of Congress are demanding the Treasury Department's inspector general look into a decision by the IRS denying tax-exempt status to a religious organization on the basis that Bible teachings "are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates."
That decision came recently from the Internal Revenue Service in the case involve Christians Engaged in Texas.
The organization had sought 501(c)3 status in order to operate properly, but the IRS, in May, said it wouldn't be allowed.
The manipulation of IRS designations for various conservative, Christian and tea party style groups dates back to the Barack Obama administration, when federal agents badgered faith organizations that wanted to operate with unreasonable requests for details, including personal information about participants.
The tactic was to simply delay, delay, delay, so they could not operate during the 2012 presidential election, during which issues of faith were at hand.
TRENDING: Trump reveals ex-football star Herschel Walker will run for Senate: 'He told me he's going to'
Now Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, James Comer, R-Ky., and Mike Johnson, R-La., wrote to the agency's inspector general for tax administration demanding a review.
"On May 18, 2021, Stephen Martin, Lois Lerner’s successor as Director of the IRS's Exempt Organizations Division, denied a religious group called Christians Engaged 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code exempts from federal taxation groups that are 'organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or education purposes' that do not participate or intervene in a political campaign.
Martin explained that 'bible (sic) teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates.
This disqualifies you from exemption under [Internal Revenue Code] 501(c)(3),'" the members wrote.
"Christians Engaged is a Christian organization that seeks 'to awaken, motivate, and empower ordinary believers in Jesus Christ to: pray for our nation regularly, vote in every election to impact our culture, [and] engage our hearts in some form of political education or activism for the furtherance of our nation.'
The organization engages with the public on public policy issues through the lens of the Bible's teachings and sincerely held religious beliefs," they said.
They continued, "The IRS’s denial of tax-exempt status to Christians Engaged on the assumption that bible (sic) teaching is an activity 'typically' associated with Republicans is wrong and outrageous.
"We must ensure the IRS is not reverting back to its targeting of conservative tax-exempt groups. Government agencies that work for the American public should not be in the business of violating citizens’ constitutional rights.
The Committee on the Judiciary has jurisdiction over civil liberties under House Rule X. The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the principal oversight committee of the U.S. House of Representatives and has broad authority to investigate 'any matter' at 'any time' under House Rule X.
Therefore, we urge you to immediately review the IRS’s denial of tax-exempt status to Christians Engaged and whether the IRS has denied similarly situated applicants on the basis of constitutionally protected speech."
The IRS rejection letter, in fact, claimed, "You educate Christians on what the bible (sic) says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations.
The bible (sic) teachings are typically affiliated with the D party and candidates."
Martin's letter explains that when he refers to the "D" party he is referring to the Republican party.
He also criticizes the group for the fact its leaders previously were active in various Republican events, and provide leadership for other Christian organizations, such as Promise Keepers.
He charged, "You educate individuals on how to choose between imperfect candidates as well as instruct individuals that parties matter.
They should look at the party they represent and the core beliefs and values of that party.
They should look at what the candidate says about the issues and see if their beliefs align with the Bible. Individuals should know the bible (sic), vote the Bible and vote on values."
First Liberty Institute is challenging the decision, explaining, "Martin's conclusion that Christians Engaged engages in political campaign intervention relies on the mistaken assumption that an exempt organization may not engage in issue advocacy.
Indeed, if exempt organizations may only articulate public policy positions on issues as to which no political party or candidate has an opinion, then the regulations recognizing that exempt organizations may advocate positions on public policy issues have no meaning."
It continued, "Martin deems Christians Engaged's purpose not educational because he evidently associates biblical positions on national issue with Republicans, not because of the methodology Christians Engaged employs.
This directly contradicts the IRS's procedure and regulations.
"Thus, the organization charges, Martin's denial of the application "discriminates against its viewpoint in violation of the First Amendment.
… Likewise, Director Martin's discrimination against particular religions – here, all religions whose beliefs are grounded in the Bible – violates the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution."
The only thing that the Democrats have to offer
Is godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism;
That which is in Stark Opposition to God and His Word.
This is similar to what was offered up
By the Unbelieving in Noah’s Day
And the Destination of the Democrats
And all who follow them, will be the same;
They forget that the Final Judge is God Almighty
And He has spoken Eloquently in His Word,
About the Destination of those who Rebel against Him.
Old Glory and the Americans who hate their country
Exclusive: Jerry Newcombe notes flag represents the freedom allowing malcontents to protest it

Published June 29, 2021 at 7:29pm
As America approaches another birthday on the Fourth of July, we find that there are many in our society that want to tear the flag down.
This is obviously a small, vocal minority. But they certainly speak for many Americans today who hate their country.
Here are a few examples of the flag under attack:
- U.S. Olympics athlete Gwen Berry purposefully turned her back on the flag during the national anthem at an Olympics Trial the other day. No respect for her country's banner.
- Gary Bauer of American Values wrote in his End of Day Report (June 21): "In a recent opinion piece, singer Macy Gray attacked our American flag. She said it was 'tattered, dated, divisive and incorrect.' Gray compared it to the Confederate battle flag, and said it 'no longer represents democracy and freedom. … It no longer represents ALL of us.'"
TRENDING: Trump reveals ex-football star Herschel Walker will run for Senate: 'He told me he's going to'
- Transgender BMX freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe said in a Facebook post last year, "My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a U.S. flag on the podium." Evita Duffy in The Federalist (June 23) notes, "His 2020 statement makes one wonder why he would even be picked as an Olympic athlete, since he clearly has no respect for the country he will be representing."
- The Oregonian (Portland, June 23) reports, "Man Who Stole U.S. Flag and Set It On Fire In Front Of Portland Police Precinct Gets Probation."
The flag may be under attack, but really the nation is under attack.
There are many Americans who hate America.
The flag of the United States symbolizes the country.
And what is the essence of America? God-given rights and the consent of the governed.
Dr. Peter Lillback, founder and president emeritus of the Providence Forum (for which I have the privilege to now serve as executive director) notes that the red stripes in the flag stand for "hardiness and valor."
The white ones for "purity and innocence." And the blue stands for "perseverance, vigilance, and justice."
Some people say the flag is outdated because America represents racism. It's true that many in the American experience did not initially experience the promise of this nation – that all men are created equal.
But the key is – as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pointed out – the founders of America made a promissory note in the Declaration of Independence that one day this would apply to all.
As King pointed out, America's problem wasn't its creed – that all men are created equal – but that America was not living up to its creed.
What do we celebrate on the Fourth of July?
We celebrate the fact that on that day in 1776, 56 men in Philadelphia who represented 3 million people in their home states voted to ratify the final wording of the Declaration of Independence.
The heart of this document is that we have rights given to us by the Creator, and the king had violated those rights in specific example after example.
Therefore, trusting in God, we the people declare independence from Great Britain.
The founders declared independence from England, while declaring dependence on Almighty God.
The strict secularists who are trying to remove any vestige of God from the public arena need to realize that in doing so, they are ultimately undermining everyone's freedom, including their own.
Wherever atheistic systems such as communism or socialism have taken over, people lose their rights; and the killing begins.
In a secular state, to whom can the dissident appeal?
There is only the state.
In contrast, in one nation under God – which the founders created – we can ultimately appeal to God.
One of the flags at the time of independence even declares, "An Appeal to Heaven."
Since our rights come from God, it's not up to the state to determine if we even have rights.
What the state giveth, the state can taketh away.
That is not true with God-given rights.
The founders declared in the Declaration that they were "appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."
Lillback once pointed out to me that this is a reference to Jesus in the Declaration.
Jesus is the Judge, and the founders knew that.
Does the flag still stand for freedom?
One of the most poignant scenes in any movie I've ever seen was the climax of a film they wouldn't make today. It was "Not Without My Daughter" (1991), based on a true story, starring Sally Field.
She and her daughter manage to escape from Sharia law and her abusive husband in Iran.
The film climaxed when they finally escaped (after many terrible incidents) to nearby Turkey, and they saw the majestic American flag outside the U.S. Embassy.
Seeing that flag and the freedom it represents virtually makes you cry – with joy.
The flag, whole or tattered, declares: God-given rights, self-government under God, and therefore, freedom.
Think of the incredible sacrifice of all those who paid "the last full measure of devotion" to our country, defending that flag.
Ironically, the flag even symbolizes the freedom that its opponents have to voice their opposition to it.
Fox News cuts Trump border-visit feed after he starts talking about 'forbidden subject'

Published June 30, 2021 at 4:17pm
Fox News cut off its live coverage of former President Donald Trump's remarks at the nation's southern border on Wednesday after he began discussing his allegations of fraud in the 2020 election.
Despite heavy promotion of the event, the network abruptly returned to studio coverage after Trump claimed he had won the 2020 presidential election.
"We had an election where we did much better than we did the first time and amazingly we lost," the former president said during his remarks.
"I just want to thank the people of Texas because we won in a landslide. It wasn't even close," Trump added.
"We got 12 million more votes than we got the first time," he continued.
TRENDING: Trump reveals ex-football star Herschel Walker will run for Senate: 'He told me he's going to'
"We better get our elections straightened out because you're going to have a runaway country, you're going to have a banana republic, you're going to have a third world country here pretty soon because our elections are a mess," Trump continued.
(Despite numerous allegations of voting irregularities, no court has ruled that there was widespread fraud that affected the results of the 2020 election.)
The former president's audio was cut off by Fox News shortly after those comments, and the network continued coverage from its New York studio.
Raw Story captured the Fox News coverage change and posted it to YouTube.
Trump's full remarks were streamed on several other platforms, including Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's Facebook page.
Abbott posted a video Tuesday ahead of Trump's visit to the nation's southern border announcing a security briefing that would be streamed live on Facebook, despite Trump's ban from the platform.
The livestream aired on the Office of the Governor Greg Abbott Facebook page.
The Facebook livestream was considered somewhat controversial, as the social media giant banned Trump following the events of Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol building.
Facebook later added a two-year ban to Trump's accounts, keeping him off both Facebook and Instagram until 2023.
Trump also published an Op-Ed on Wednesday blaming President Joe Biden for the “humanitarian catastrophe” he has caused with his immigration policies.
“When I was president, I delivered on my promise to build a border wall to protect our country.
All Joe Biden had to do was paint it,” Trump said in The Washington Times article, which was headlined: “I built the wall; Biden built a humanitarian catastrophe.”
“Instead, Biden has enacted the most radical open borders agenda imaginable,” he added.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
Trump's warning: Biden's immigration 'crisis' is destroying America
'We handed him the most secure border in history'

Published June 30, 2021 at 5:06pm

President Joe Biden talks on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)
Oxford Languages defines "catastrophe" as "an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster," and compares it to "calamity," "crisis," "holocaust" and "ruination."
That, according to President Trump in a commentary for the Washington Times, is what President Biden as done at the nation's southern border.
Tens, even hundreds, of thousands of illegal aliens have crossed that border since Biden took office and demolished the strategic and carefully orchestrated procedures and agreements Trump had worked to install.
Trump explained, "I delivered on my promise to build a border wall to protect our country.
All Joe Biden had to do was paint it.
Instead, Biden has enacted the most radical open borders agenda imaginable.
This is perhaps the first time in world history a nation has purposely and systematically dismantled its own defenses to invite millions of foreign migrants to enter its territory and break its laws."
TRENDING: Trump reveals ex-football star Herschel Walker will run for Senate: 'He told me he's going to'
Trump explained the danger is not just from newcomers, but that "no one knows who they are."
In fact, there have been those suspected of terror who have been caught coming into the U.S. through the newly porous border required by Biden's agenda.
"To say that Biden has provoked a national security disaster does not even begin to do justice to the calamity," Trump wrote, citing the facts.
"In May, illegal border crossings were nearly 700% higher than when I was president during the same period last year.
For each of the last three months, more unaccompanied minors have arrived than in any prior month in recorded history.
Seizures of ultra-lethal fentanyl are up 265% from last year — more of the drug has already been intercepted than in the entirety of 2020."
What did Biden do?
"Joe Biden has restored catch-and-release, torn up our hard-earned asylum agreements with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, and announced that anyone on the planet who lives in a crime-afflicted area now qualifies for asylum in the United States.
Meanwhile, ICE is effectively shut down, senior border security officials have been fired, and criminals are being released in record numbers.
"To top it all off, the Biden administration has announced a new program whereby the U.S. government will literally pay to fly illegal aliens’ relatives from other countries to join them in the United States," he said.
The result is "utterly depraved – the actions of someone who by all indications wants to completely abolish America’s southern border," he said.
Worst is Biden's total abandonment of border wall work.
"Nearly 740 miles of border wall had been fully funded and more than 660 miles were already built or undergoing construction, Customs and Border Protection confirmed on Jan. 15, five days before I left office.
After more than two years of litigation and Democrat obstruction, the wall was going up at an average rate of two miles per day.
We had already more than doubled the length of the physical barrier protecting our southern border.
We had also replaced much of the previously existing dilapidated fencing with new impenetrable metal beams, focusing on the highest traffic areas that border patrol agents themselves had identified," Trump explained.
"All Joe Biden had to do was let the contractors finish their work. The border agents wanted it, and it would make the whole country safer," he said.
But, "Biden sabotaged the completion of the wall, ordered an immediate halt to construction on his first day in office, impounded the funds Congress had appropriated and took steps to terminate the National Emergency declaration that had facilitated it."
The result was the equivalent of an open window in a locked house.
"By stopping construction, Joe Biden purposely and deliberately left gaps in the wall, creating unsealed channels right in the middle of the border to be exploited by human traffickers and drug smugglers.
I built a wall — Biden built a humanitarian catastrophe."
He pointed out Texas now has announced plans to build the wall canceled by Biden.
"We handed Biden the most secure border in history.
We ended asylum fraud, terminated catch and release, negotiated historic migration agreements with Mexico and other countries, and virtually stopped illegal immigration.
Precisely because of these policies, we achieved an incredible 90% reduction in illegal crossings," Trump said.
But now, "Our nation is being destroyed by Biden’s border crisis."