Joe Biden said,
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!”
It is bad enough that Biden feels he can say what he said to black people, and then try to cover it by offering a lame apology.
His words betrayed the elitist attitude that Democrats have had toward black people for decades.
But the worst part of what he said was something that everyone seems to have missed.
It was his use of the word “ain’t.”
He could have said “you aren’t black.”
Why did he say, “ain’t”?
You know why. Biden is trying to relate.
He is trying to sound black, as if the Democrat Party is the party of black America.
But his evil goes much deeper than that.
Biden is reinforcing the image that blacks speak a different English.
By doing so, he is signaling where he wants black people to remain: on the plantation.
He doesn’t want black people to start saying “aren’t” instead of “ain’t.”
You might ask, “How do you know that, Mario?”
Let me show you.
Here is what Biden once said about Barack Obama,
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Biden went on:
“I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Not only was Obama the first black man Biden met who practiced hygiene, but Barack didn’t say, “Ain’t”!
Being a poor Latino in the 1960s was not nearly as bad as the black experience, but it was bad.
I saw firsthand what racism is.
The slurs and fights were certainly painful, but the worst racism came from liberals who wanted to ‘help’ me.
They made it clear that I couldn’t make it without out their free cheese and food stamps.
They said they would get me into college, not based on my academic merits, but based on my race.
This didn’t build confidence.
Quite the opposite: it built guilt, fear and, mostly, it built anger.
By being condescending, they were reinforcing my ‘inferiority.’
How interesting, that on the night I met Jesus, my first reaction was to want to earn things and to reject handouts.
Nothing is more expensive than ‘free’ things!
But despite the attempts by the government to teach me a wrong lesson, God has been my source ever since!
Why should we reject Biden’s apology?
Jesus said why:
“You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12: 34).
For Biden to be able to proffer a true apology, it would demand that he have a change of heart.
It comes down to the root of Democrat racism that spans centuries.
He would have to admit that the Democrats are the party of slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, segregation, and the KKK in the past;
and that they are the party of welfare and tenements—the destroyers who are responsible for the horrors of the inner city, in the present.
It calls for a confession that they want blacks to always remember,
“You ain’t gonna be free thinkers, with a real choice.
You ain’t gonna do for yourself.
You ain’t gonna make it without us.
You ain’t entitled to vote for anyone else, but us.”
We can only pray that black people everywhere aren’t going to take it anymore.
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