Fellow American,
I never thought I would see this happen in America.
But it seems that nearly every day you and I see a new story.
A new story about a governor who wants to close down our houses of worship … or a religious service ending with law enforcement … or Americans of faith facing jail time or fines for practicing their religious beliefs while they follow the national guidelines on safety.
Without the intervention of elected leaders like President Trump — who shares our values and supports our religious liberty — overreaching politicians across the country may not have been reined in and Americans of faith may not have been protected.
Fellow American, when I’ve told you that it’s all on the line for our faith and freedom this year, I’ve meant it.
Today, more than ever, our nation stands at a crossroads.
Faith & Freedom Coalition’s 2020 Project will galvanize Americans of faith to go to the polls and put like-minded leaders in office this year to protect our faith and our freedom in these challenging times.
- register 5 million new voters so they can participate in the process;
- educate voters and Americans of faith with 100 million pieces of mail, 10 million email communications, and 20 million text messages; and
- turn out 18 million voters to the polls to vote for their values on Election Day.
In 2010, Faith & Freedom’s 58.8 million voter contacts spearheaded the conservative vote which ushered in 63 new House members and six U.S. Senators. In 2016, Faith & Freedom’s 90.2 million voter contacts aided Donald Trump in becoming the 45th President over Hillary Clinton.
And this year, I believe that you and I can stage the largest evangelical get-out-the-vote effort in history with the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s 2020 Project: Roadmap to Victory!
The 2020 election is the most important in our lifetimes. The time to act is now.
Together, we can restore faith and freedom to America and preserve them for the next generation.
Thank you for your support.
Dr. Ralph Reed, Jr.
Founder and Chairman
Faith & Freedom Coalition
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