Fellow Patriot,
As pro-family Christians, our rights, our values, and our liberties are under attack.
Since President Trump has been in the Oval Office, the left has proposed and passed radical legislation aimed at expanding abortion access, even allowing the murder of newborn babies after they take their first breath.
Liberals have sued Bible-believing Americans and tried to force them to violate their conscience. Namely, radicals have been focused on taking away the rights of Christians who believe in Biblical marriage and imposing their extremist views on these Americans of faith.
They've also recently claimed that the Bible promotes socialism, to which I boldly proclaimed on Fox News that the Bible is not "a religious Communist manifesto" and Jesus was NOT a "Birkenstock-wearing socialist."
Along with attacking life and religious liberties, liberals have also threatened families by insisting that boys have a right to be in girls' restrooms, locker rooms, and on their sports teams. They've even taken children away from families when parents haven't paid for their youngsters to take drugs that would alter their hormones.
Our goal at Faith & Freedom Coalition is to get 1 MILLION signatures on this pledge from Christians across our nation.
This pledge will tell politicians, candidates, and legislators that you expect your Christian, pro-family, pro-life, pro-religious liberty values to be protected and upheld!
As we march on toward 2020, the radical left is going to be attacking our shared values in ways we've never seen. Their policies are going to be increasingly liberal in order to show a stark contrast between President Trump and any of their 2020 candidates.
However, the radical left has realized that they can no longer kick voters of faith in the teeth and call us "deplorable" if they expect to win over some Americans of faith in 2020.
But mark my words - the primary items under attack in the year ahead will be life, family, and religious liberty - regardless of how they try to spin the Bible or speak to Americans of faith at campaign rallies.
The Faith & Freedom Coalition believes that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people - the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility, and helping the least among us.
Never before has it been more critical for us to speak out for these values, particularly religious liberty, protecting innocent life, and preserving the traditional family.
People of faith, including our Founding Fathers, understood that our rights come from God, and not government, but liberals in Washington today disagree. They want the government to strip rights from Christians that were granted to us by our Creator and enshrined in our Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
That is why we work every day at Faith & Freedom Coalition to protect the First Amendment rights of Christians and other Americans of conscience and faith, uphold the rights of the unborn, and ensure that pro-family values are at the forefront of our nation's policy decisions.
Thank you for your support!
Dr. Ralph Reed
Founder and Chairman
Faith & Freedom Coalition
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