He Mothers the Bird
Darlene Edmondson
“Not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s consent” (Mt 10:29b)
On the one hand, Roman soldiers threatened Jewish families with imprisonment for the slightest offense.
On the other, anonymous traitors slithered in and jumped at the chance to murder.
With this combination, it’s no wonder the disciples hope shriveled.
Although physically strong, Jesus understood their fearful emotions.
Taking time to comfort these men and us, Jesus strolled toward a lush meadow filled with lilies.
Pausing, he asked them to look skyward.
While gazing up, Jesus prompted them to study the bird's behavior.
Obediently, they fixed their sight to see a host of feathered tribes flying back and forth, filling the groves with music, untroubled concerning their next meal.
During these crucial conversations, Jesus demonstrated his Father’s love and providence extends to even the smallest creatures.
He instructs that ‘even the least of these fowls, namely a sparrow, will not fall to its’ death outside of God’s attention.
In Matthew 6:25, Jesus focuses directly on their fears ‘if God gives the greater gifts of ‘life and body,’ then will he not also supply the lesser ones (food and clothing)?
Throughout the Bible, the answer to pleasing God is found in simply believing and trusting His word:
“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Heb 11:6)
Resembling the disciples, we need a bulldog grip on our emotions, at least I do.
We benefit greatly by learning how much God loves us and how valuable we really are to Him, important enough for Jesus to suffer and die.
His unseen power rules over everything and His love and never-ending pursuit of us is reflected by the psalmist cry,
“How can I get away from you?" (Psalm 139:8)
Friend, there’s no other protection, period.
He mothers the bird and will do the same for you.
I think it is time for us to stop doubting and simply believe.
Contact Darlene and read more of her writing HERE.
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