Gingrich Tells Levin: Media ‘Hostility’ Toward Trump ‘Beyond Anything We’ve Ever Seen’

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on "Life, Liberty & Levin" (right) with TV host and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin (left) (Screenshot)
Speaking on “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Fox News on Sunday, Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) told nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin that the media’s
“level of hostility” toward Trump is “beyond anything we’ve ever seen.”
“Well, I think the level of hostility is beyond anything we’ve ever seen,” stated former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. “I think the last study said 92 percent of the news media was hostile to Trump, of the actual coverage, story by story by story. I think if you were openly pro-Trump in The New York Times newsroom they’d fire you, or The Washington Post, they would just fire you. They’d say, ‘Clearly you don’t understand you shouldn't be here.’”
While talking with Levin, Gingrich referenced a Media Research Center piece by NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes that shows “TV’s Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative.” The recent study was published on Oct. 9 and noted that “[o]ver the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a President in TV news history – 92 percent ngative, vs. just eight percent positive.”
Below is a transcript of Former Speaker Gingrich and Mark Levin’s comments from the show on Sunday:
Mark Levin: “[A]nd then last week, the president calls himself a nationalist. Now I'm not a nationalist. I'm a constitutional conservative. But I know what he meant by that. He meant Americanism, America first. And they insinuate or flat-out say he's Hitler. He’s comparing himself to Hitler, and that Trump is too foolish, he doesn’t even know he's comparing himself to Hitler. Well, actually, the new nationalism speech was given by Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive – part of their ideology, or at least it was.“I’m thinking: ‘How in the world do you compare this president to Hitler and Stalin and then take from that that he's a racist.’ He hasn't done anything that suggests that. And so, this is a mantra that they keep pushing, a propaganda that they keep pushing. And then I ask myself, ‘Are they trying to influence the election? They just trying to destroy the man? They trying to remove the man?’ What is your take on this?”
Newt Gingrich: “Well, I think the level of hostility is beyond anything we’ve ever seen. I think the last study said 92 percent of the news media was hostile to Trump, of the actual coverage, story by story by story. I think if you were openly pro-Trump in The New York Times newsroom they’d fire you, or The Washington Post, they would just fire you. They’d say, ‘Clearly you don’t understand you shouldn't be here.’“Take the example about what Trump was saying about nationalism. Really one of the great magic moments in American history is Benjamin Franklin, who goes to England to represent the colony of Pennsylvania, and after seven years realizes that he will never be accepted as an Englishman. That the aristocracy simply will not accept him. Even though, he was a world-famous scientist and a very wealthy man. And people have said, ‘He left as a British subject. He came back as an American.’ And in a way, this thing about being an American starts there.
“And I think it's important to recognize it, but what Trump is saying, when he uses the word nationalism, isn’t at a level of the federalist, anti-federalist arguments. But it’s saying, ‘Look, these guys on the left want to basically sell our country out for some kind of global cause,’ whether it's the Paris accords or the International Criminal Court or the United Nations.“You know, I tell people, the reason that John Kerry runs all over the world the way he does and the reason he still sees the Iranians, is that in Kerry's mind, he was never really the American Secretary of State. He was a world Secretary of State, doing good things on behalf of the world. And which is why I don't think you can charge him with the Logan Act because you'd have to be an American in order to be charged with the Logan Act, and Kerry is not psychologically an American. He's psychologically a person of the globe and would regard people who care about America as sort of pygmies, obsolete.”