Role Models
by Susan Barnes
"Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
Many young people grow up today without good role models. This is particularly true in the area of relationships, and some believe this is one of the causes of the high rate of marital breakdown. Young people are modeling their relationships on what they see on television, which provides poor expressions of good relationships.
How was marriage modeled to you, when you were growing up? How is it modeled now?
A lot of romance novels end with the hero and heroine getting married and living happily ever after, but that only transpires in fiction. Good marriages don't happen by chance. It's not just a matter of marrying the right person; it's also a matter of being the right person. Ephesians 5:21-33 is often used to talk about marriage, but Paul is talking about the relationship between Christ and the church. He uses marriage as an illustration (v. 32-33).
Likewise, our marriages should be illustrations of what the Kingdom of God is like.
Good marriages are built on sacrificial living, where spouses are prepared to make sacrifices for each other, which demonstrates their love. Likewise, the Kingdom is built on the sacrificial lives of Christians as they deny themselves to follow Christ.
We often expect our marriages to work well without us making an effort. It is a continual challenge to lead sacrificial lives, not only for the sake of Christ, but also, so we will be good role models for young people.
Susan, an Australian pastor's wife, regularly writes devotional thoughts on Bible passages, book reviews and inspirational articles. Contact
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