Ominously titled 'Justice or Else' on 20th anniversary of 'Million Man March'
Twenty years ago there was the “Million Man March” in Washington.
Now, on the anniversary of the event organized by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, comes “Justice or Else!”
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the founder and president of the Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny (BOND) and author of the new book “The Antidote,” calls it a “hate rally.”
He said evil will come out of the Oct. 10 event, including rising tensions between blacks and whites.
“This is a KKK rally,” Peterson said. “This is a skinhead rally.
Farrakhan recently called for a "black Christmas" for 2015 – a holiday season in which blacks withhold their money from white businesses – and for an insurgency of 10,000 men to "rise up" and to "stalk" white people and "kill them."
Organizers of "Justice or Else!" hope to duplicate the turnout of the 1995 event.
But Peterson is warning people, white people in particular, to stay away, because he believes Farrakhan will be urging attacks on police in particular and whites in general.
"He's going to create more enemies and anger against you," said Peterson. "Because these young people don't have love in their heart. Not all, but most, don't have love in their hearts but anger that starts in the home, and Louis Farrakhan is building on that. … So he's taking that anger and using it to promote evil."
Peterson, a WND columnist, was especially critical of a recent speech in which Farrakhan spoke of a divine "law of retaliation" and suggested blacks were being killed by whites because not enough whites were being killed by blacks.
"First of all, Louis Farrakhan is lying about the Bible," observed Peterson. "Christ told us to love those that hate you, do right by them and love your neighbor. He didn't tell you to take them out, he didn't tell you to hate them. And if you didn't see right there him talking about killing the police officers, I don't know what it is going to take for you to see it."
Peterson said the outcome may not be pleasant.
"To law enforcement, this is a serious thing for you, because you're going to have to go out there and calm these people down and protect them, and protect others from them," warned Peterson. "I pray for you and pray that you watch your backs, because some of these folks at that rally will shoot you down standing there. And with that kind of hatred being encouraged in their hearts, there's no telling what will happen there.
"When people are angry, they can't see. They can't tell the truth from the lie. And right now police officers are being targeted by blacks, not all blacks, but they are hated by many black people. And when they go to this rally and Louis Farrakhan feeds them this kind of hatred, well, it's just not going to work well."
The march claims to target "the widespread death, rising racism, mob attacks, and police brutality on blacks coupled with economic deprivation and stark poverty."
But there is also an implied threat in the march, as the website for the event states: "If those who cause the hurt are made to feel some of our pain then perhaps, just maybe, there can be fair treatment."
Or, as Farrakhan put it in a recent speech, "We want some of this earth or we'll tear this 'god****ed' country up!"
Colin Flaherty, a reporter who has chronicled nationwide examples of mob violence by blacks and is the author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It," cautions whites not to underestimate Farrakhan's popularity.
"It is easy to dismiss Farrakhan as a quack or an outlier," commented Flaherty. "He's not: His racial hostility is mainstream and normal. He is very popular and credible with many black people who believe they are victims of constant white racism.
"I am convinced most white people are not aware of this."
And Jack Cashill, a WND columnist and the author of "Scarlet Letters: The Ever Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism," agrees Farrakhan needs to be taken seriously.
"The great irony of the Obama 'one America' presidency is that he has helped stir black anger at white people to the point where even a madman like Farrakhan is relevant again," said Cashill.
Peterson also warns Farrakhan has been increasing his outreach and influence in the African-American community, noting the Nation of Islam chief "has been meeting with rappers and doing interviews with on urban radio, reaching out to a lot of angry black boys and girls, and that's not good."
He said people of all races need to refuse to allow Farrakhan to operate by the usual racial double standards.
"If this is a white rally coming up and that type of person was heading it up, you wouldn't let it be," charged Peterson. "For those blacks who are attending or who plan to attend the Justice or Else rally, I would highly recommend you don't do it. I would highly recommend you repudiate Louis Farrakhan, and encourage your sons and your daughters and you neighbors not to attend this hate rally, this hateful rally. This is a racist hateful rally, and it's going to affect you in a negative way if you attend it.
"You're also going to give power to Louis Farrakhan. You would not give power to an evil white man who was doing this. Evil is evil, and never mind the color."
Ultimately, believes Peterson, African-Americans and Americans in general are dealing with a spiritual struggle and moral rot caused by the inability to call evil by its name.
"These are some very serious times in our lives, and black Americans like Louis Farrakhan have been given permission to promote evil," Peterson argued. "We need to deal with evil in the same way we would deal with it if it was coming from white people. We can't just let evil have its way because it will destroy you.
"This battle is a spiritual battle between good and evil, right vs. wrong."
See Farrakhan's comments about killing:
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/fears-surge-over-potential-violence-at-farrakhan-hate-rally/#YlTDlLuqvIT1sZs6.99
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