Expert says gender issue has descended to 'social madness'
By Paul Bremmer
The pronouns “he” and “she” are being joined on American college campuses by “e/ey,” “em,” “eir/eirs,” “eirself/emse” “hu,” “hum,” “hus,” “humself,” “per,” “per,” “per/pers,” “perself, “themse,” “ze,” “hir,” “hir/hirs,” “hirself,” “ze,” “zir,” “zir/zirs” and “zirself.”
Among others.
And one expert says such social accommodations finally have reached the level of “social madness.”
Across the nation, colleges and universities are bending over backward to promote “gender-neutral language.”
Besides being allowed to choose the pronouns by which they will be addressed, students born as boys also are being allowed on girls’ sports teams.
“Look, we must recognize there is an actual war on gender,” said Michael Brown, a radio host and author. “There are young people who are pushing back; they are rebelling against the ‘gender binary.’’Some of them say… I’m a boy today, I’m a girl tomorrow, and I’m neither.”
The Washington Post ran a profile last year of one such rebellious young person – an 18-year-old named Kelsey who doesn’t identify with any gender, or whose gender is “non-binary.”
And the New York Times reported earlier this year on a 21-year-old University of Vermont student born female who is attracted to other females. But rather than identify as lesbian, Rocko Gieselman identifies as transgender, even though Gieselman has retained all female body parts.
And the University of Vermont was all too happy to accommodate a student like this. As the Times article explained:
“The university allows students like Gieselman to select their own identity – a new first name, regardless of whether they’ve legally changed it, as well as a chosen pronoun – and records these details in the campuswide information system so that professors have the correct terminology at their fingertips.”
“Rocko” is Gieselman’s chosen name, not birth name. And Gieselman’s chosen pronoun, which the university agreed to use, is “they.”
Ohio University and Harvard are two such schools. Colleges such as American University, Cornell and MIT publish guides on their websites explaining how to use strange new pronouns and how to ask someone which pronouns they identify with.
Application forms for the University of California system now give prospective students more than two gender options to choose from, and the State University of New York system is trying to implement a similar data-collection tool that will let students choose from among seven gender identities, including “trans man,” ““questioning” and “genderqueer.”
Scripps College introduced a new feature to its student portal earlier this year that allows students to choose from a list of 10 pronoun options. Professors are able to see each student’s chosen pronouns on their class lists so they can learn and remember how to identify every student.
Brown calls all this “social madness.” In fact, the fifth principle in his latest book “Outlasting the Gay Revolution” is “celebrate gender distinctions.”
Brown, who is also a WND columnist, compared transgender students to blind or deaf students.
"Look, if you have a deaf kid in your school, you care for that kid, but you don't require everyone else to be quiet and use sign language," he reasoned. "If you have a blind kid in the school, you care for that kid, but you don't require everyone to close their eyes and use braille.
"But when it comes to transgender activism, the struggles of that one kid are now going to be imposed on the whole school. We have to stand up to this social madness. We have to celebrate honor, appreciate gender distinctions; otherwise we will flow into complete societal chaos."
Gender-neutral activism goes beyond pronouns and gender identity options in colleges. Last month, at the start of the new school year, an elementary school in San Francisco began transitioning all its bathrooms to gender-neutral. This was done to acknowledge "six to eight students who don't fit traditional gender norms."
The progressive Human Rights Campaign has an entire page on its website dedicated to restroom access for transgender employees. The HRC recommends, "An employee should never be required to use the restroom of his/her designated sex at birth once he /she has begun transitioning and has changed their full-time gender presentation."
California was way ahead of the curve when, in 2013, it became the first state to require public schools to allow transgender students access to whichever restroom and locker room they want.
The same law also made California the first state to allow transgender students to choose whether they want to play boys' or girls' sports. By December 2014, Minnesota was already the 15th state to give transgender students such an option.
Brown explained that he does not hate transgender people, but American society may devolve into chaos if gender becomes such a fluid concept.
"My heart goes out to the people struggling and the parents who have a three or four-year-old kid who believes they're trapped in the wrong body," Brown said. "We need to do what we can to help them from the inside out. But if we're going to deny something as fundamental as gender… if everything has to be gender-neutral, if we're going to take the struggles of a handful of people and impose that on the whole society, it's unsustainable."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/ey-vay-mind-boggling-new-terms-for-guys-gals/#3uDirvojRG8s5izL.99My comments: This is "madness," but also Satanic, and Against God, who made humans male and female. It is all Preparation for the Revealing of the son of Satan, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist, who the Whole World will worship and receive his "mark.".
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