Businessman uses Scripture to take on atheists
South Dakota Coalition of Reason billboard overlooks roadway in Sioux Falls, S.D./Photo: Argus Leader
Last week, billboards touting atheism suddenly appeared in seven different towns across South Dakota.
“Don’t believe in God? Join the club!” they proclaim. The billboard also provides an Internet address for the South Dakota Coalition of Reason’s website.
That message didn’t sit too well with a Christian businessman in Sioux Falls.
William Kreider, the owner of BSR Construction, considered the billboard an attack on God, so he decided to start a club of his own by erecting pro-God billboards to counter the atheist message.
“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,” his digital signs read, quoting Psalms 14:1.
Billboard erected to counteract atheist message/Photo: Argus Leader
He purchased two billboards, one of which is positioned so motorists can see the pro-atheist and pro-Christian messages at the same time.
“I just thought we should have an alternate viewpoint out there,” Kreider told the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. “I don’t have a problem with people being atheists, but I just wanted to give God a chance. I’m defending my God, basically.”
Kreider isn’t shy about advertising his faith. His website describes his construction company as “locally owned and operated with Christian ethics.”
The atheist group has purchased billboard space in several other towns, including Rapid City and Brookings. A member of the group describes Kreider’s response as “his right as an American.”
“One of the things that’s great about America is freedom of speech, so they have every right to put up a billboard,” Amanda Novotny told Christian News.
Kreider’s pro-God billboards aren’t without critics. His Facebook posts describe a “mixed response” that includes “hate mail that was very uncouth.”
Ultimately, he hopes to “draw people toward God” and he believes it’s important for Christians to take a stand for their faith.
“People ignore the areas of the Bible that say we should fight the good fight of faith, and the Old Testament [instances] where God had Israel combat the heathen nations and false gods,” Kreider told the paper.
“I know that many are hardened to God and will never listen … but if one turns to God because of this sign then it will be worth it.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/grappling-over-god-holy-war-in-dakotas/#bI1Jfap3SVxpL5kz.99
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