Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Trump to GOP: 'Impeach the bum or fade into oblivion' [VIDEO]
August 28, 2023
Colorado Dems go full commie, choose open Marxist – one who calls for cultural revolution – to fill vacant state House seat
August 28, 2023
Jon Voight Uncorks on Biden: 'This is Now a War Against All of Us'
'The administration is a corrupt mob. This is a horror'
Actor Jon Voight has issued a warning to America, more than a year before the next presidential election but just as Democrats have unleashed their full battery of weapons against President Donald Trump.
"What are we to do…. This is now a war, a war against all of us," he said. "The Biden administration is a corrupt mob and the Obama administration fuels the cycle."
He continued, "Let me warn you all that this corrupt behavior against President Trump is the most disgusting scheme to try and keep him down. This is a horror.
"This system now allows criminals to steal from department stores and all they say is to watch and not do anything and this is ok, to sit and allow these monsters to destroy hard-working designers and retailers, my God.
TRENDING: Senators to FBI: Quit hiding details about your anti-Catholic ideology
"My fellow Americans this is a civil war, and this is the time we must stand for truths. If we don't see this, you, your children, your grandchildren, sisters, brothers will all pay the price for this default. my God. Let us not beg, let us not steal, but allow God's truths to be yours and mine. Let us not hide our pride. but allow God's greatest truths to show the way. We must stand up for truths we lost, stand up for the gift that was given to all, the freedom that the American dream stood for. If we allow deceit against President Trump and allow this lie to win, we will all regret this."
He said, "My only wish is that all can find the truth that President Trump is a man who wants to save America, the dream the freedom. Let us not allow the manipulation of this government to destroy this land, our purpose, our love our light.
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"Allow the truth to remind us all that we are a nation that has been free and now our freedom is being taken away with lies and greed. Stand up now for the only truths that can save us…"
Democrats, in fact, long have made their highest priority to prevent President Trump from being president again. During the 2020 election, there were significant undue influences on the election that probably gave the White House to Joe Biden.
Those would be the FBI's interference in the election when it told media outlets to suppress accurate reporting about the Biden family's international business schemes. It falsely claimed the evidence was Russian disinformation. Then there was the undue influence from the $400 million plus Mark Zuckerberg handed out to mostly local elections officials who often used it to recruit votes from Democrat districts.
In office, ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi orchestrated two failed impeach-and-remove campaigns against Trump, and after he left office, Democrat prosecutors have assembled multiple cases against him.
They include business counts that would be misdemeanors except prosecutors say they somehow became felonies and claims about his possession of documents from his presidency.
On that issue, both Mike Pence and Joe Biden also were confirmed to have retained similar documents, only no charges have been filed against them.
Other cases claim he made statements that offended leftists during the January 6 events in Washington, and that he tried to question the election results in Georgia. Both of those cases focus on what many consider his First Amendment-protected speech. And in fact the Georgia case claims that it was illegal for Trump and his supporters to make telephone calls and hold meetings regarding the possible failings of the election.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Today's ruling elites champion policies every previous generation of Americans would have regarded as outright evil. At the top of that list would be the supremely radioactive issue – illuminated by the hit summer film "Sound of Freedom" – of the widespread trafficking and sexual slavery of children, as well as the shocking prevalence of pedophiles in the United States of America. Indeed, the U.S. is the largest market for child sexual abuse in the world.
According to Tim Ballard, who has led many missions rescuing sex-trafficked children around the world, the Biden administration actually ENABLES AND PROMOTES the trafficking and sexual slavery of children with its horrendous border policies, its push for early sexualization of children, championing children's "right to consent" on everything including mutilating transgender surgeries, and so on.
"Pedophiles are sitting back right now," says Ballard, "and going, ‘We've been pushing this agenda for decades, and now we don't have to push any more, because the left is taking care of it for us' – IN AMERICA!"
Ballard's concerns are confirmed by Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower who recently testified before Congress that under Joe Biden, "THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME THE MIDDLEMAN IN A LARGE-SCALE, MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION."
But that's just the beginning. The whole, secret criminal mega-enterprise of child sex trafficking and the global elites' affinity for pedophilia is exposed as never before in the August issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, in a groundbreaking issue titled "THE NEW AMERICAN SLAVE TRADE: How the Biden regime enables and promotes child sex trafficking in the U.S.A." WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.
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Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.
America: Living on borrowed time!
How do we know when we are living on borrowed time? A dying human knows when all bodily systems are shutting down. For a dying nation, if our eyes and common sense fail us, perhaps the following warning from Ayn Rand will illuminate us:
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
Ayn Rand died in 1982, so she did not know of the rapid deterioration in our society since the Obama years, but she saw the signs. But then, the Bible also repeatedly warned us, and of the inversion it says:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and prudent and shrewd in their own sight...Who justify and acquit the guilty for a bribe but take away the rights of the innocent and righteous from them! (Is. 5:20-23 AMPC)
The Cambridge Dictionary defines inversion as a situation in which something is changed so that it is the opposite of what it was before, or in which something is turned upside down. In America, these explanations describe our current situation, and I submit that our own government, the one that is supposed to be of, by, and for the people, is at fault.
The Bible teaches about the anointing of oil, which was done for kings, like King David. The oil is poured on the head, and then flows down. So then, what is on the head will be on the body as well. Accordingly, whatever is “on” the government is also on the people (body). And dear readers, what is on the head of our government is nothing but evil.
Now, for the sake of argument, do I believe that all the people in our government are evil? Not necessarily. Many are simply ignorant, or just following orders, like all those FBI agents/employees Fox News’ Sean Hannity says are “honorable people.”
TRUTH ALERT: Anyone who witnesses evil/wrong being done and says nothing is covering-up for and enabling this evil. Silence endorses such misconduct.
By the way, FBI agents swear the following oath:
I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. https://i-uv.com/fbi-our-oath-of-office-a-solemn-promise/
Perhaps it is time for all FBI agents, rank and file or management, to honor their oath, to men and God?
However, what so-called leaders in all areas of government, including the massive administrative branch, are doing to Americans is evil. Like Judas in the Bible, they are not serving either citizens or Jehovah God, but Satan.
What is Satan’s goal? It is to steal, kill, and destroy. (Jn. 10:10) How successful do you think he has been thus far?
Consider when Barack Obama declared he was going to “fundamentally change America” during his reign of terror.
Puppet Biden is making a valiant attempt to complete that job. Of course, this empty suit is not calling the shots—it is people high above him, globalists bent on controlling the whole world, plotting our future. And behind them is the real power, who one day will have an entity called the Man of Lawlessness or Antichrist, ruling what many call the New World Order, which is global government.
But there is another side to this whole upside-down world we live in: free will. Yes, we have a totally out-of-control government system, a behemoth that we have allowed to grow. Yes, we have! There are many contributing factors like complacency, compromise, laziness, lack of personal responsibility, greed, and the blame-game factor, to name a few. So, in a way, we cannot just point fingers at greedy, power-seeking government officials. As it has been said, when we point a finger at someone, three fingers point back at us.
Founding Father John Adams once proclaimed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
And he was correct. Everything that was once called holy, righteous, and good is now ridiculed and rejected. The Constitution? Twisted and trashed.
As a people, we are in total rebellion against God. Evil and sinful ideas are what the masses celebrate; godliness is scorned and abolished. And therein is the real problem.
Recently while listening to Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries, I was reminded of words from the U. S. Supreme Court in the 1980 Sydell Stone et al. v. James B. Graham decision that banned the Ten Commandments from school classrooms. It contended that if students read the Ten Commandments they might meditate upon, venerate (revere), and obey them. Hmm…
Of course, that decision caused the removal of the Ten Commandments, and then any Christian-related materials/monuments from all public property. Today, look at what has happened in our schools, and society at large.
More signs that as a nation we are living on borrowed time takes us back to the Holy Bible. From Romans chapter one we read:
18 For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative.
19 For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them.
20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],
21 Because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honor and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and [a]godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.
22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves].
23 And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],
25 Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).
26 For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,
27 And the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set ablaze (burning out, consumed) with lust for one another—men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own [b]bodies and personalities the inevitable consequences and penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray, which was [their] fitting retribution.
28 And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or approve of Him or consider Him worth the knowing, God gave them over to a base and condemned mind to do things not proper or decent but loathsome,
29 Until they were filled (permeated and saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, iniquity, grasping and covetous greed, and malice. [They were] full of envy and jealousy, murder, strife, deceit and treachery, ill will and cruel ways. [They were] secret backbiters and gossipers,
30 Slanderers, hateful to and hating God, full of insolence, arrogance, [and] boasting; inventors of new forms of evil, disobedient, and undutiful to parents.
31 [They were] without understanding, conscienceless and faithless, heartless, and loveless [and] merciless.
32 Though they are fully aware of God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves but approve and applaud others who practice them. (Rom. 1:18-32 AMPC)
While the above is a lot of Scripture, it is important information to understand the true state of our moral deterioration and the borrowed time in which we now live. The above passages apply to individuals and nations.
God has made Himself known to us, has planted into each of us what is sometimes called a “God-shaped vacuum” and the ability to understand.
When we reject Him, He will not force Himself upon us. He instead allows our thinking to become futile (useless, pointless, worthless). Then He turns us over to our own “free will” desires of idolatry, sexual perversion and more. And eventually, He gives us over to “base and condemned” (depraved) minds. Finally, starting at verse 29 of our passage we get a glimpse of the characteristics of this society. Does it accurately portray America? Honestly?
In the above-mentioned presentation by Dr. Reagan, he reminded that the numbers of Christians in the population have fallen to around 60 percent, but that most of these people are basically “cultural Christians,” or what some call “claimants” of Christianity.
As we have discussed in previous articles, some pastors believe true Christians, those who worship Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and faithfully adhere to Bible teachings, number about 20 percent of the population.
Regardless of the number, America is living on borrowed time. Like the dying human body, our nation’s “systems” are either shutting down or were dead long ago.
While you may believe God will never judge our nation, re-read the above Scripture passage from Romans.
He has already been judging us, whether we have committed the sins, or applauded /endorsed/promoted them. Only a miracle by God might save us from destruction, but then, the masses have ousted Him from our midst.
In conclusion, Scripture tells us that today is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2 NLT) None of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. Please repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior while there is still time. To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline Crabb'Complete nonsense': Americans mobilizing to fight surging wave of COVID hysteria 2.0
'The populace can be kept in a state of repeated anxiety'
As Joe Biden and liberal corporate and social media ramp up their talk about masking up and a new COVID booster-shot campaign, conservatives and those who no longer "trust the science," to quote a widely ridiculed narrative, are bracing for a new wave of COVID hysteria.
Many speculate the resurgence of COVID fearmongering is timed for election season – as there is near unanimity among Republicans that restrictive COVID policies were used to "rig" or tilt the 2020 election rules in Biden's and the Democrats' favor.
But with the benefit of hindsight and lessons learned from disastrous and oppressive COVID policies during the initial pandemic, the difference today is that an army of highly informed skeptics skilled at debunking establishment narratives is at the ready to mobilize against a rebirth of government and corporate coercion and misinformation.
TRENDING: Senators to FBI: Quit hiding details about your anti-Catholic ideology
Just the News reported Tuesday: "Even President Biden acknowledged current COVID vaccines, which include original and Omicron variant strains, are not performing as hoped. He said at a press gaggle Friday he's planning to ask Congress for additional funding for a new vaccine 'that works' and will 'tentatively' be recommended for everyone, regardless of prior infection, vaccination history or risk level."
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who tormented ex-Trump adviser Anthony Fauci, the now-retired former head of a federal infectious diseases agency, at Senate hearings with tough questions about his contradictory pandemic pronouncements, responded to a Republican National Committee Research post on X about Biden signing off on a funding request for "a new [COVID] vaccine that is necessary that works." Paul commented: "So to recap: 1. @POTUS is saying the vaccine they’re currently promoting and they mandated DOES NOT work 2. He wants more funding for another one ... That’s a NO from me."
The JTN article, titled, "'Total lack of critical thinking': Experts question COVID vax, mask mandates amid 'surge,'" highlights a science writer critical of COVID fearmongers as well as new study that shows natural immunity against COVID grew considerably among Americans from December 2021 to November 2022.
The study in the August journal Clinical Infectious Disease concludes: "Effective protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe disease in November 2022 was substantially higher than in December 2021. Despite this high level of protection, a more transmissible or immune evading (sub)variant, changes in behavior, or ongoing waning of immunity could lead to a new SARS-CoV-2 wave."
"In the absence of non-pharmaceutical interventions, partial immunity afforded by previous infection and vaccination is the main protection against future infections," the study states. "Population protection against severe disease was estimated to have increased over the study period, both nationally ... and within every state ... Nationally, protection against severe disease resulting from a new Omicron infection rose from 61% (59%–64%) on 2 December 2021, to 84% (79%–90%) on 3 March 2022, to 89% (83%–91%) by 9 November 2022."
Nevertheless, even that study is being read two ways in a divided nation, with conservatives pointing to widespread natural immunity while liberals hang on to the possibility of a "new SARS-CovV-2 wave." Here are the study's last two sentences: "Despite the high level of protection at the beginning of the 2022-2023 winter, risk of reinfection and subsequent severe disease remained. A more transmissible or immune evading (sub)variant, changes in behavior, or ongoing waning of immunity could lead to a new SARS-CoV-2 wave, as was observed at the end of 2021."

CDC graphic on new COVID hospital admissions, by week, in the United States from August 2020 to August 2023. Science writer David Zweig added the text and arrow exposing the overhyped 'surge' at the bottom right (screenshot/David Zweig Substack)
Science writer exposes 'cottage industry' of COVID fearmongers
JTN linked to Substack science writer David Zweig, who writes that "A recent rise in Covid prevalence highlights an ongoing problem of hypocrisy around public health misinformation." Zweig is author of the forthcoming book, "An Abundance of Caution," which he writes is "about the schools debacle in America during the pandemic. The book, in essence, will be a case study of how and why bad decisions are made."
Highlighting a CDC graph (above) that puts the current COVID "surge" into perspective, Zweig writes: "If a tiny bump in the rate of new weekly Covid hospital admissions – that still is among the lowest rates over the last three years – relates to a surge, then what is an actual large rise called? The use of this hyperbolic language by so many media outlets that over-dramatizes risk skirts very close to misinformation."
Zweig focuses on Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, as an example of social-media-savvy COVID "experts" who, he says, are widely followed but regularly traffic in faulty interpretation of data or outright "misinformation."

"Between that audience and his frequent appearances in major media outlets, Wachter’s statements carry a lot of influence. When he makes misleading claims, it matters," he writes, noting that Wachter is more measured than "Twitter-famous alarmists like Eric Feigl-Ding."
"With that said, the mere existence of [Wachter's ongoing] “Covid Chronicles” gives an indication of how much this virus consumes Wachter’s life. Wachter often describes in exquisite detail the elaborate calculations he makes to decide whether and how to venture into various social situation," writes Zweig.
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He hones in on an Aug. 18 X thread by Wachter on the recent "uptick" in COVID, in which Wachter writes: "This curve of hospitalizations (a reasonable proxy for the amount of Covid in the community) shows a definite, but relatively mild, upward trend."
Zweig quotes Wachter's X post: "'Why the uptick?' Wachter writes. It’s not the new variant, he says. Rather, 'more likely, it's the same reason we’ve seen this roller coaster for two years: after a 6-12 month lull in Covid, most folks have let down their guard.'...'The virus lurks, waiting to find less immune & more unmasked hosts. It’s now finding them,' [Wachter] writes. 'This pattern will likely repeat 2-3 times yearly for the foreseeable future.'"
'This is complete nonsense'
Zweig responds to Wachter's claim: "Let me be candid: this is complete nonsense. And, as I’ll explain later, this type of misinformation causes harm. ... There is no evidence that the recent uptick is because people 'have let down their guard.' Nor is there any quality evidence that the roller coaster of Covid prevalence to which he refers, and that is visible in the graph that he tweeted, is a result of people letting their guard down. Nor is there evidence that this pattern, which he expects will be repeated 2-3 times yearly, will be due to people letting their guard down."
He writes that "one needn’t be an infectious diseases expert to see the absurdity of Wachter’s claim. The empirical reality is that pretty much every major facet of society has been operating without restrictions for a year or more. Schools have run normally and at capacity since at least fall 2022. Stadiums and arenas have been packed with sports and music fans, parties have been thrown, kids have slept over friends’ houses, and so on – this all has been happening for a long, long time, through the various ups and downs of Covid prevalence."
Meanwhile, popular conservative podcast host Dan Bongino titled his program Monday, "Get Ready for Lockdowns," and linked to coverage of a new NIH study that examines the health risks of N-95 COVID masks. An Aug. 27 Daily Mail headline reads: "Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer."
IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Today's ruling elites champion policies every previous generation of Americans would have regarded as outright evil. At the top of that list would be the supremely radioactive issue – illuminated by the hit summer film "Sound of Freedom" – of the widespread trafficking and sexual slavery of children, as well as the shocking prevalence of pedophiles in the United States of America. Indeed, the U.S. is the largest market for child sexual abuse in the world.
According to Tim Ballard, who has led many missions rescuing sex-trafficked children around the world, the Biden administration actually ENABLES AND PROMOTES the trafficking and sexual slavery of children with its horrendous border policies, its push for early sexualization of children, championing children's "right to consent" on everything including mutilating transgender surgeries, and so on.
"Pedophiles are sitting back right now," says Ballard, "and going, 'We've been pushing this agenda for decades, and now we don't have to push any more, because the left is taking care of it for us' – IN AMERICA!"
Ballard's concerns are confirmed by Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower who recently testified before Congress that under Joe Biden, "THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME THE MIDDLEMAN IN A LARGE-SCALE, MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION."
But that's just the beginning. The whole, secret criminal mega-enterprise of child sex trafficking and the global elites' affinity for pedophilia is exposed as never before in the August issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, in a groundbreaking issue titled "THE NEW AMERICAN SLAVE TRADE: How the Biden regime enables and promotes child sex trafficking in the U.S.A." WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.
Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.